Monday, February 24, 2020

Lack of Risk Sensitivity - 新型コロナウィルスと危機意識

その後2月早々クルーズ船が入港するも、専門者会議は16日まで開かれず、しかも首相は3分で退席、その後は18日「国会に出ず会食」、19日「国会にも新型コロナ対策本部にも出ず官邸でフグ堪能」、20日「国会にも新型コロナ対策本部にも出ず会食」、21日「国会にも新型コロナ対策本部にも出ず会食」・・・と続く動静を見ればコロナ対策が先手、先手の訳がない。因みにコロナ対策予算: 香港3500億、シンガポール5000億、日本150億。

A welcoming message expecting more tourists during the Chinese New Year appeared as an ordinary diplomatic appeal by P.M. Abe, that attracted huge accusation for thoughtlessness lacking sensitivity for risks of Coronavirus and eventually resulted the deletion from the Government site on the 31st January. The recent increase of infection in Hokkaido is reasonably considered brought in by overseas tourists just like the early case of Kyoto.
The cruise ship Diamond Princess arrived in Yokohama on 3rd Feb, but the Expert Gathering was not called upon until 16th in which Abe attended 3 minutes ONLY! Then afterward, on 18th no Diet attending but meetings/eatings; on 19th no Diet nor Strategic Headquarters attending but blowfish tasting; on 20th no Diet nor Strategic Headquarters attending but meetings/eatings and so on...How can he set the effective remedies well in advance? The budget for medical actions in Hongkong 360B, Singapore 500B, and Japan 15B in Yen.
Can this poor man who only buzzed "trickle-down" of economic benefits from riches to poors without a single effective action to stimulate actual economy (consumers, etc.) pushed forward really manage the forthcoming, disastrous "Corona-recession"?

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