Thursday, July 2, 2020

パタゴニア - Still Following Patagonia?


The pricing of Patagonia fashion is relatively expensive in general but it isn't so much in the States, so I used to visit the shop when I was frequently travelled there. When it comes to the product quality, I don't think it excels as reputed, thus it remains as one of brands I now tend to avoid. 
Take this outer jacket for example, the inner layer breaks up to compound after years of use that makes my shirt or sweater I wear dirty. Look horrible, too. My coat and pants for winter trekking still maintain their good condition though.

Friday, June 12, 2020

台所のIH化 - Customizing Kitchen with IH



これを実施してみると、今度は鍋に問題が波及します。最も多用しているT-fal28cm深鍋、26cmフライパンや雪平はIHでは使えません。雪平はともかく、すでにテフロン層も傷みが来ているT-falには代わりが必要です。実はIH対応のT-fal深鍋は26cmまでのようで代わりがなく、その結果選んだ28cm Thermosは深さ6.5cmT-fal8cmには及ばないものの何とかなるかなという深さ、そして底面がフラットなのも利点だし、T-falの取手がそのまま転用できるのも乗り換えやすいメリットです。そして最大級の評価点は半額くらいの低価格でしょう。26cmフライパンの方は、赤坂離宮監修?の鉄のフライパン(写真中央、壁面)があるのでそれで済ませるか、先々のことを考えてステップアップに挑むか、これから思案です。

When we built our house for the first time nearly half a century ago, we put a gas convec in the kitchen. Since then, this European-style four-burner cooker has been our preferred tradition although the actual choices were limited (as they still are now), and we picked Scholtes before Rosière, among French manufacturers at that time.

Our condo, the second house, has been equipped with a German AEG convection system as well as a dishwasher. Because they are very old models, the gas burner can't be ignited all at once, and I myself the user am far older than they are, my wife strongly suggested me to replace it with an electric IH system in consideration of safety. It's not actually a simple matter of dropping in a new product for replacement, but we had to retire the entire convec. Then it's likely to remove the whole countertop for modification, a drastic project that would cost nearly a million Yen! 

So, after a long thinking about it, I decided to set a small IH cooker product in the kitchen, a portable device often used on the tabletop during the dining: I placed marble plates over a part of the gas cooker and the IH one sits in the right corner. Strategically, the front-left gas burner remains in use, and this whole budget was about 20,000 Yen.

When this is done, a new problem now comes over the pots and pans. Our most used T-fal 28cm deep pot, 26cm frying pan and aluminum "Yukihira" pot cannot be used on IH. Aside from the Yukihira, the T-fal needs replacements definitely because their Teflon layer was already quite tired. Actually, the T-fal's IH-version deep pot goes only up to 26cm and there is no alternative, so I chose a Thermos while its 6.5cm depth was slightly shallower than T-fal's 8cm: I judged it manageable. Its flat bottom shape looks an advantage, and the T-fal handle continues to serve on Thermos. And the greatest is the much, much lower price. 
As for the frying pan, I am now pondering as I have an iron pan (center on the wall in the picture) or I should consider other step-up...

Monday, April 27, 2020

Origami Mask - オリガミ・マスク


用意する不織布は42cm x 24cm(僕の場合)、これは市販の不織布シートを貼り合わせて必要なサイズにカットする。サイズは自分に合うよう微調整すると良い。そして折り紙のスタートだ。作り方はURLリンクの動画を参照して欲しい。


I showed a pattern paper for home-made mask last time, but I did not make one myself. Now, I am deeply  indulged in making masks. I just happened to encounter with a video in the net which looked so simple, so I tried it. The finished shape was unexpectedly beautiful and I guess I was enchanted.This "Origami Mask" is  created by professor Anna Myczkowska-Szczerska who works in the Industrial Forms Department at the Krakow Academy of Fine Arts in the city of Krakow, Poland.

The sealing effect from the nose to the profile is excellent and the only the chin area would be the loose section. Since it provides some space inside the mask in front, the breathing is least resistive. The front area secures 3 layers while the sides toward ears consist of 2 layers but the folding results in 4 layers, and it does not look inferior to generally available products in the market. It is amazing design ability to create such a class of functionality from a sheet of kitchen paper!

In my case, I prepared a sheet in 42 x 24cm size with nonfabricated material to make the mask more dependable. You can find the right size to fit for yourself. Follow the procedures in the attached link below:

Sunday, March 29, 2020

手作りマスク - Handmade Mask


The other day, Tokyo Shinbun newspaper showed how to make a 3D-mask and its general reaction seems quite positive.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

The Last Chance to Watch Snow - 見納めの雪


I’m in Kusatsu Onsen hot springs and it snowed all day yesterday which painted the whole world into white! It being middle of March, this must be the last chance to watch the winter scenery. 

Hotel Kusatsu approach

Ohtaki no Yu

Overviewing Mt. Shirane

Monday, February 24, 2020

Lack of Risk Sensitivity - 新型コロナウィルスと危機意識

その後2月早々クルーズ船が入港するも、専門者会議は16日まで開かれず、しかも首相は3分で退席、その後は18日「国会に出ず会食」、19日「国会にも新型コロナ対策本部にも出ず官邸でフグ堪能」、20日「国会にも新型コロナ対策本部にも出ず会食」、21日「国会にも新型コロナ対策本部にも出ず会食」・・・と続く動静を見ればコロナ対策が先手、先手の訳がない。因みにコロナ対策予算: 香港3500億、シンガポール5000億、日本150億。

A welcoming message expecting more tourists during the Chinese New Year appeared as an ordinary diplomatic appeal by P.M. Abe, that attracted huge accusation for thoughtlessness lacking sensitivity for risks of Coronavirus and eventually resulted the deletion from the Government site on the 31st January. The recent increase of infection in Hokkaido is reasonably considered brought in by overseas tourists just like the early case of Kyoto.
The cruise ship Diamond Princess arrived in Yokohama on 3rd Feb, but the Expert Gathering was not called upon until 16th in which Abe attended 3 minutes ONLY! Then afterward, on 18th no Diet attending but meetings/eatings; on 19th no Diet nor Strategic Headquarters attending but blowfish tasting; on 20th no Diet nor Strategic Headquarters attending but meetings/eatings and so on...How can he set the effective remedies well in advance? The budget for medical actions in Hongkong 360B, Singapore 500B, and Japan 15B in Yen.
Can this poor man who only buzzed "trickle-down" of economic benefits from riches to poors without a single effective action to stimulate actual economy (consumers, etc.) pushed forward really manage the forthcoming, disastrous "Corona-recession"?