Friday, September 13, 2019

Bose QC20iのご臨終 - My Earphones died




Monday, June 3, 2019

血圧のことなど - Hazardous Blood Pressure and etc

Something was wrong with the left half of my body because I did not sense the hotness on the skin in the bath tub. I thought it must be with regard to the brain, and luckily I was introduced to a renowned brain doctor through a close friend of mine to have an MRI examination: It was cerebral hemorrhage!
As I recall it a couple of weeks or so ago in the kitchen, I felt funny when the hot water from the tap wasn't hot on my left hand but instead a bit aching unlike my right hand. It must have started then.

All I could do was taking the prescribe pills; the lightest one for the first month the effect of which did not look sufficient, thus another step-up pills for the second month. The blood pressure level around 160 went down to the order of 130's that is considered as a safe range so far. I should say it is a "miraculous" cerebral hemorrhage because the symptom only remained in the numbness of left foot fingers and loss of sensing hotness.

My friends invited me to a drive for change of air and encouragement in early April at which time I wanted to see how the whole thing went in my body in a calmer condition and my family just did not allow me to be too active either, but now the season got better in the mountains as well as my conditions (at least stable), so we decided to take a ride on a new Citroën that my friend recently bought.

Mountain views were all around from Mt. Fuji, Southern Alps of Japan, to Yatsugatake Peaks. A few unknown spots such as "Suisha-no-Sato" (Water wheel village) park and "Kaiganji" temple were definite worth of visits. Exhibits of "Jomon-era" (BC10000) in Archeology Museum in Hokuto City were very impressive, and the stay at Seisenryo (X: St. Andrew's lodging) was such a comfort with great meals, an absolute recommendation!

Water Wheel Village Park

Mt. Fuji and South Alps
St. Andrew Church in Seisenryo

Jomon Pottery in Archeology Museum

Gate of Kaiganji Temple 

Mt. Mizugaki






Thursday, May 23, 2019

Coolens Sunglasses - サングラス新調

I wrote about my Nike sunglasses that had a miserable end of life a few years ago, and I had been lazy in finding an alternative since then. Now I've come across with Coolens that is quite economical: It comes with 5 lenses (!) in different colors 2 of which are polarized, and it is even convertible into a goggle-type fitting with a detachable band. Additional clip-on lens-set is for visibility adjustment (for short sighted or whatever) exactly same as the previous Nike Siege 2. I only hope this one lasts longer.

Nike Siege 2が悲惨な終焉となって数年、代わりの製品を怠惰に探すこともせずここまで来たが、Coolensの製品が良さそうなので即決即断した。Nikeの半額以下で、サングラス・レンズは色違いで5枚、うち偏光レンズは2種付属している。しかもベルトに付け替えてゴーグル型にして使うこともできる。視度調整レンズはオプションでクリップオンするのはNikeと同じだ。ラバー部は少ないので長生きしてもらいたいと期待。