Thursday, April 26, 2012

Fizi:k Cyrano - フィジークのシートポスト


愛車に取り付け、早速三浦半 島を時計回りに一周の試走に出かける。ポストで乗り心地が変わることを期待していたわけではないが、角度調整をしたせいかすこぶるフィット感が良い。結局 70kmを3.5時間で走って、お尻がまるで痛くならなかったのだから正解ということだろう。

I bought a Fizik Cyrano, a long-waited seat post, as I had been looking for a very light, non-carbon piece of product. First of all, I was completely enchanted by its functional beauty. An adjuster wheel enables fine setting of saddle angle very easily. Compared to Cannondale C2 pillar that I now use, Cyrano may look more reserved as the glossy block is smaller while its finish is clean. The weight is 204g (27.2mm/270mm) saving more than 40g over C2. The offset is unknown but I guess it’s around 25mm. 

Placing Cyrano in my bike, I immediately went out to try running Miura Peninsular in a loop clockwise. I was not expecting a significant change due to pillar difference, but I felt a very good fit perhaps because of careful angle adjustment. After 70km of running for 3.5 hours, I did not have a slightest pain in my hips, and therefore this must be a right choice.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Cycle Wear - 自転車乗りの出で立ち

まず、コンプレッション・ジャージーだが、商品はSkins A200 Thermalで、手にしてみてこんな細いのが入るのか?と疑念を抱く。でも胸囲90cmSサイズのはず。その装着感は、ヴェルサイユ宮殿に出入りするような高貴なご婦人方がコルセットを締めすぎて気絶するという昔話を聞いたけど、そんな感じで、これで走っていたら酸欠で目眩でも起こしやしないかと思うような圧倒的な圧迫感だ。ぽっこり出ているお腹じゃなくて、胸全体が前からも背側からもガッチリ締められる。筋肉に送る血中酸素量が増えるので疲労が抑えられると謳っている。高速水着と同じことなので、もしや走行成績が少し上がるかな?
次にビブショーツ。これが自転車乗りである誇りと言うか、最大の自己暗示コスチュームではないかと思う。ビブというのは上半身までつなぎになったショーツのことで、実際、これが下着なのかそれともズボンのような歴とした上着なのかちょっと不明な代物だ。ともかく走るにはこれがベストということになっている。こちらの購入商品はCampagnolo Tech Motion。これもSサイズだが、文句なしに気持ちの良いフィット感だ。唯一、局部のガードが手薄に感じるが、所詮慎ましいモノなので気にしないようにしよう。

I built my bicycle exactly a year ago at which time I had a strong hesitation in my mind to the style of running outfit that all those serious runners wear. I have been running in more general sportive cloths up until now, but I needed a long-sleeve jersey and consequently ended up with joining the cyclewear community. It was partly because an English net-shop offered a good deal.
Firstly, the compression jersey I bought was Skins A200 Thermal. At a glance, I was not confident if this slim piece would really fit me, but I had chosen an S confirming my chest size. Well, I managed to put it on, and I felt like a lady in Versailles who often fainted fastening her corset too tightly. My chest is compressed solidly front and back, and the manufacture claims it increases the delivery of oxygenated blood to fuel your muscles. It works exactly like now-prohibited high-speed swimwear, and I may hope to see some improvement in my performance.
Next are the bib-shorts. I would think this one is the very costume of the cult that makes the users feel they are the rider physically. A bib suspends the pants on your shoulders, but it looks rather vague whether it is underwear or an outfit like some proper pants. It is believed to be most efficient for running anyway. What I bought was Campagnolo Tech Motion in size S, and it was a great fit! The single only comment if I may make would be the sense of insecurity of my important area, but I would try not to mind it because it does not stick out much …
These two, combined, cost me approximately 12,000 Yen, which seemed a great deal, if not outrageous. I also added in my order Campagnolo’s sleeveless underwear that should be effective in controlling the sweat. I plan a long running over Matsuhime Pass in the Golden Week holidays to try them out.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

逗子ハイランドの桜 - Zushi Highland


When it comes to sakura-watching as you drive along the alley of sakura trees, this residential area, Zushi Highland, or Kamakurayama would be the choice in Kamakura neighborhood. The blossoms are in full bloom right now, and the petals begin to dance with the wind as they fall.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Azumayama Park with Sakura - 吾妻山公園の桜


Relaxing view of the Park with sunshine warmth, calm ocean and sakura.

Turning your head back is Mt. Fuji with sakura in the north.

Down below in the west is the city of Odawara.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

田安門の花見 - Sakura Watching at Tayasumon Gate

Blossoms accelerated to bloom in the last few days, and now is the time to watch Sakura in Tokyo. Tremendous amount of people came to Kitanomaru Park with a camera, and I hear Chinese conversation here and there. I was actually asked by a couple to take their pictures.