Monday, November 26, 2012

K-Edge Chain Catcher - チェーンキャッチャーの装着

Cristalのチェーンを交換した。実は先日、友人の忠告を聞く前に箱根旧道に出撃して登り始めた途端にアルテのCN-6601チェーンが壊れて動けなくなった。不幸中の幸いは先月の東北ツアーの折に、取り外しを考えてMissing Linkを装着していたことだ。チェーンを本体から外して、そこらにある手頃な石を拾い、めくれ上がったチェーンの横板部分を叩いてピンに収め直すという原始的な応急処置で、一応走ることができるように復旧させた。もちろんそこから負荷を掛けた登坂などできようはずはないし、ましてこの先は名だたる劇坂、早々にUターンして撤退となった。

一年少々使ってその間何度かピンの抜き差しもしているチェーンだったのでそれなりに弱っていたとは思うが、友人からは「アルテのチェーンは弱いから」とのコメントが帰ってきたので、ここは迷わずDura Ace CN-7901を載せることにした。試乗してみて、漕ぎ心地が激変したのでいささか驚いた。現在、チェーンは2台ともお揃いのDura Aceとなった。


I replaced the chain for Cristal. I was running the traditional Hakone road the other day attempting the climb-up before hearing the opinion of my friend, and unfortunately (or actually luckily!) the chain broke and I got stuck before I reached the point of truly steep slope.

I was fortunate because I had installed KMB’s Missing Link in the occasion of Tokoku tour in October, and I could easily remove the chain from the frame.  I picked a stone on the road and hit the bent side plate back into the pin, which was a very primitive job but it worked. I could in no way continue climbing in this condition, particularly against an extreme slope, so I descended back to the nearby station at that time.
It was Ultegra CN-6601 chain that I had been using a little over one year, and I pulled out the pins for a few times for maintenance or else, therefore the chain itself may have been weakened, but my friend commented Ultegra chain tended to be weak.

Anyway, I installed the new CN-7901 Dura Ace chain on Cristal, and its smoothest feel in driving was just dramatic in comparison. At the same time, I installed K-Edge Chain Catcher in addition because the chain went off the ring twice while shifting to the inner ring recently, and I felt the need for insurance. Its installation was easy, and this mental peace with no worries about the chain is so great during the ride.

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