Sunday, May 25, 2008

Japanese Cooking Bible – 京味と「日本のおかず」


Kyoaji in Shinbashi is not a restaurant of my level, but only once many years ago, I was taken to this restaurant by Mr. A who was president of an advertising company. It was one of his favorite places and he specifically picked up the right season for pine mushroom in the fall.
The chef of Kyoaji published a cooking book “Japanese Dishes” (from Gentohsha) and when I found it in a bookstore, the collection of cooking alone looked sufficiently valued but I was totally fascinated by the plates: Each revealed a subtle beauty by some excellent hand.
Today, I got a complimentary “okara” (bean curd refuse) at nearby tofu store, so I cooked “deutzia” with it. The book is indeed my bible of home cooking.

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