Saturday, July 5, 2008

Eel in bento - ウナギの櫃まぶし

弁当箱は世界に誇りたい文化だと思う。今日は遠出するので弁当を買った。池袋東武は副都心線開通という戦場で生き残りをかけて店内模様替えに加えテナントの充実を図ったようで、デパ地下にもキァンティとか紀伊国屋などの新顔が入っている。このeashion PREMIERというのもそのひとつ、ちょっとお洒落な盛り合わせで女性客を狙っている感じだ。僕が注目したのは「国産鰻」と明記されたラベル。これも魚秀の原産国詐称事件の影響みたいで、買い物のたびにいちいち素性を意識しなきやならない時代というのは何とも寂しい気持ちにもなる。

The culture of bento-box is something we can be proud of. I bought a bento for my long travel today. Newly started Fukutoshin (subcenter) metro-line triggered a survival war among department stores, and Tobu in Ikebukuro refreshed their interior with some new tenants for enhancement such as Chianti, Kinokuniya, or this eashion PREMIER in the food floors.
Look at this picture of bento fashionable enough to attract female consumers. What I noted was the label which spelled “Japanese eel”. It seems sensitively affected by the recent scandal of camouflaging imports from China as “home-grown eels”. Reminding myself the nation of origin each time I buy something is a kind of sad habit.

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