Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Che Guevara Trilogy – チェ・ゲバラ三部作

ソダーバーグ監督の「チェ 28歳の革命」と「39歳 別れの手紙」が予想を超えるヒットになっていると最近関係者から聞いた。僕も今月これらを観た。折しもキューバ革命50周年だ。映画はゲリラ活動を淡々と追いつつ、ゲバラの革命への熱い思いが主旋律のように織り込まれている。僕らの世代は「革命」という言葉をテーマに何かを語るというのはなかなか重くて、僕自身もいくつかのことどもを思いつつも、それがまとまっているとは全く言い難い。学生時代に「僕は職業革命家になる」と言い残して、僕らが渡ることのなかった川向こうの地下に消えて行った友のことを今も思う。

I heard from a friend who worked in a studio that Soderberg’s movies “Che” in two separate parts were quite a hit rather unexpectedly. This coincides with 50th anniversary of Cuban revolution. I saw these movies in February. The movies plainly trace the guerilla actions while Guevara’s passionate and profound devotion is woven in scenes like a theme of music structure. For our generation, the word “revolution” and talking something on this subject are always heavy, and I for myself think about several things that I would mention, but any tiny sprouts of ideas look totally premature. A close class-mate friend in our college days said to me that he had made up his mind to be a “professional revolutionist”, and it meant that he went underground in the other side of this river that we, others, did not attempt to trespass, and I still think about him.
I actually saw another Guevara movie in series. You might wonder the third episode? Well, the broadcast satellite timely showed “Motorcycle Diaries”. Walter Salles, Director, is highly respected hero-moviemaker in Latin America. Among the three movies, I personally enjoyed this one most and shared the closest intimacy with Che as a young medical student.
In addition, I happened to see a TV program that reported an episode of Guevara in Japan who sneaked out of Osaka in the night to visit Hiroshima as he felt it more important than his official programs. I was in Hiroshima at that time but never learned about him. A local magazine called Gumbo features an article about him in Hiroshima.

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