超軽量自転車ネタの続きです。スケートのズータXootr MGをカナダで買いました。カナダのショップでも$230くらいで売られていて、すぐに友人宅に配達可能だったので決心しました。フェンダーと送料で+$40だからと皮算用していたら、計算外の高い消費税が更に乗ってきたけど、それでも25,000円くらいで持ち帰れました。運ぶことは重くないし困らなかったのですが、こちらで乗ってみるとスケートの割に結構なサイズなんですね。これを担いで旅行してみるのも良いかなと思っています。でも固いタイヤなので自転車みたいな乗り心地とは行きません。でも蹴り出した時の滑りは快適に早い。ブレーキも付いていますが、タイヤの底を押さえつける仕組みなので均一な制動感はなく、急な坂は不安がありそう。
The topic of ultra lightweight bicycles continues. I bought Xootr MG in Canada. The price was about $230 over there, and it was promptly deliverable to my friend’s home, so I made up my mind to hand-carry it. I calculated the addition of $40 for the fender and the shipping, but forgot rather high Canadian consumption tax. The total cost was still about $310. It was not so bulky or heavy although the carton box looked very tired when arrived. Actually, the size of Xootr is large when I practically ride on it. I guess it may be interesting to go out for a trip carrying it. Its tires are hard and solid that causes the cruising not so comfortable when compared to bicycles, but the sliding speed with the kicks is fabulous. A front brake is integrated but the mechanism is to pressure the bottom of the tire with somewhat uneven feeling, therefore I am not sure how dependable on a steep slope.
eyes on Japanese culture, art, travel and technology in more visible pictures ... and ultimately bike-riding
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Noël in St. Gregory’s House - 聖グレゴリオの家でのイヴ
このホールでのクリスマスの合唱とオルガンの演奏がオーディオ・ベーシックの57号にCDの付録として収められているので、一聴の価値ありだと思う。録音の残響はやや多めだ。[追記: メインのリスニングルームでちゃんと聞き直してみたところ、残響は長くはなくて、マイクセッティングがややオフ気味という響きでした。]
予定としては演奏会だけ聴いたら、駅に取って返し終電に駆け込もうと考えていたのだが、結局は腰を据えてグレゴリオ聖歌やクリスマス・キャロルを織り交ぜたミサにも最後まで付き合った。最後は「聖しこの夜」で〆となったが、その前に歌われたモテットが素晴らしく、僕もかすかな覚えがあって旋律が自然と浮かんでくる。後で独唱されていた望月さんに聞いてみたら、ビクトリアの「O Magnum Mysterium」ですよと教えられ得心した。自宅にタクシーで戻ったのは朝の3時だった。
A friend of mine said that he planned to hear Messiah by Colegium Japan at Suntory Hall in the evening of Christmas Eve, and instead we went Saint Gregory’s House locally in the neighborhood of Higashi-kurume, but a more authentic occasion of ritual. We chose it because there was a late night concert of organ and choir before the midnight Catholic mass. The hall has one of only 3 Arhlent organs installed in Japan that is so beautiful to look at and so wonderful to listen to although it is not a huge instrument. This appears to me a totally opposite situation to Tokyo Cathedral, but this small space has something truly relieving.
With the recent Audio Basic magazine, issue No. 57, comes a complimentary CD featuring the Christmas music recorded in this hall, and it is worth listening to. I think the real acoustic of the hall sounds dry while the reverberation of this recording is long and clear. [Actually, when I played it in my main listening room again, the reverberation was not long, but the microphone seemed placed far from singers.]
Originally, we planned to be there only for the concert and then dash to the station to catch the last train home, but eventually stayed throughout the service of midnight mass that included Gregorian chants and carols. Everybody sang “Silent Night” for the finale, and the motet before it was wonderful and I remembered it as its melody popped up in me. I had a chance to speak to Mr. Mochizuki, one of soloists later at the lobby, and he explained me it was Victoria’s “O Magnum Mysterium”, and I realized that was why. We took a taxi and got back home at almost 3 a.m.
By the way, if one of Arhlent organs in Japan is to be trashed along with the demolition of Casals Hall, what an indescribable pity it is!
このホールでのクリスマスの合唱とオルガンの演奏がオーディオ・ベーシックの57号にCDの付録として収められているので、一聴の価値ありだと思う。録音の残響はやや多めだ。[追記: メインのリスニングルームでちゃんと聞き直してみたところ、残響は長くはなくて、マイクセッティングがややオフ気味という響きでした。]
予定としては演奏会だけ聴いたら、駅に取って返し終電に駆け込もうと考えていたのだが、結局は腰を据えてグレゴリオ聖歌やクリスマス・キャロルを織り交ぜたミサにも最後まで付き合った。最後は「聖しこの夜」で〆となったが、その前に歌われたモテットが素晴らしく、僕もかすかな覚えがあって旋律が自然と浮かんでくる。後で独唱されていた望月さんに聞いてみたら、ビクトリアの「O Magnum Mysterium」ですよと教えられ得心した。自宅にタクシーで戻ったのは朝の3時だった。
A friend of mine said that he planned to hear Messiah by Colegium Japan at Suntory Hall in the evening of Christmas Eve, and instead we went Saint Gregory’s House locally in the neighborhood of Higashi-kurume, but a more authentic occasion of ritual. We chose it because there was a late night concert of organ and choir before the midnight Catholic mass. The hall has one of only 3 Arhlent organs installed in Japan that is so beautiful to look at and so wonderful to listen to although it is not a huge instrument. This appears to me a totally opposite situation to Tokyo Cathedral, but this small space has something truly relieving.
With the recent Audio Basic magazine, issue No. 57, comes a complimentary CD featuring the Christmas music recorded in this hall, and it is worth listening to. I think the real acoustic of the hall sounds dry while the reverberation of this recording is long and clear. [Actually, when I played it in my main listening room again, the reverberation was not long, but the microphone seemed placed far from singers.]
Originally, we planned to be there only for the concert and then dash to the station to catch the last train home, but eventually stayed throughout the service of midnight mass that included Gregorian chants and carols. Everybody sang “Silent Night” for the finale, and the motet before it was wonderful and I remembered it as its melody popped up in me. I had a chance to speak to Mr. Mochizuki, one of soloists later at the lobby, and he explained me it was Victoria’s “O Magnum Mysterium”, and I realized that was why. We took a taxi and got back home at almost 3 a.m.
By the way, if one of Arhlent organs in Japan is to be trashed along with the demolition of Casals Hall, what an indescribable pity it is!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
To Sing Mozart's Requiem - モツレクを歌う
Upon my Messiah project coming to its end, I had made up my mind to sing Mozart’s Requiem as the next challenge for the year 2011. Requiem was the church music I had loved listening to since quite long ago. I clearly remember when I first saw its score I was amazed by the fact how far “avant-garde” this music was. Its melody lines were a kind of the simplest but so emotional and romantic, and not only that, its counterpoints stride further to weave the harmony by going off the track of normal keys. Until then, I hadn’t thought about it more than an enjoyably harmonic music, but the composition appeared far beyond the music of any age radically. I felt it something unusual, like the head is a church while the body was an opium grotto or a secret society.
It might be some challenge to quickly master singing the Requiem’s unique progress of notes, but I tried to be optimistic because I guess I had been soaked in Mozart’s music deeply enough to feel his style automatically somehow, and I started practically looking for choirs. Among some that plan a Requiem concert next year, there was one with the schedule to start in October and finish in February: the project orchestra and chorus of International Christian University students mainly and they accepted outsiders. Musashisakai was a bit too far from my area, but the period that burdens me would be a matter of a few months from a different point of view, and I dove into this situation in November. I sense the contrast here, the young people’s flexibility, and I am trying to make myself function in this circle of singing right now.
Upon my Messiah project coming to its end, I had made up my mind to sing Mozart’s Requiem as the next challenge for the year 2011. Requiem was the church music I had loved listening to since quite long ago. I clearly remember when I first saw its score I was amazed by the fact how far “avant-garde” this music was. Its melody lines were a kind of the simplest but so emotional and romantic, and not only that, its counterpoints stride further to weave the harmony by going off the track of normal keys. Until then, I hadn’t thought about it more than an enjoyably harmonic music, but the composition appeared far beyond the music of any age radically. I felt it something unusual, like the head is a church while the body was an opium grotto or a secret society.
It might be some challenge to quickly master singing the Requiem’s unique progress of notes, but I tried to be optimistic because I guess I had been soaked in Mozart’s music deeply enough to feel his style automatically somehow, and I started practically looking for choirs. Among some that plan a Requiem concert next year, there was one with the schedule to start in October and finish in February: the project orchestra and chorus of International Christian University students mainly and they accepted outsiders. Musashisakai was a bit too far from my area, but the period that burdens me would be a matter of a few months from a different point of view, and I dove into this situation in November. I sense the contrast here, the young people’s flexibility, and I am trying to make myself function in this circle of singing right now.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
トロントでメサイアを歌う – Sing-along Messiah in Toronto
開演時間が近づくと、団員がボツボツという感じで三々五々ステージに現れる。やっと合唱団員全員も揃ったところで、SPに護られた老ヘンデルというコスプレの指揮者Ivars Taurinsが覚束ない足取りでゆっくり現れるという趣向だ。まじめな演奏会も昨日で終わり、今日は観客も含めて羽目を外せる打ち上げをみんなで楽しもうという空気が充満している。指揮者は観客を笑わせる話をいろいろ続け、まるでお笑い番組でメサイアを歌い始めるという雰囲気は東京でやってきたこととは対極にあるシチュエーションというのが感慨深い。
ターフェルムジーク・バロック合奏団は弦が4+4+3+2+1、オーボエとトランペット各2、あとはバスーン、ティンパニ、チェンバロ、オルガンのみで合計19名の小編成でステージに登場した。合唱団は7+4+5+5だが、生憎この状況では合唱の声を聞くことは不可能。オケは軽やかで、古楽器的な弦のハスキーさはなく、硬質さより柔らかさを感じる演奏だったのが予想と違っていた。独唱者の力量もそれぞれちゃんとしたもので、ソプラノのChristine Brandesは魅力ある歌唱をするし、カウンターテナーのDaniel Taylorもしっかりした歌い手だった。テナーのRufus Müllerは表現がオペラ的に出っ張る感じもあるがこのジャンルに足を残しているし力量に不安はない。バリトンのBrett Polegatoはテナーかと見紛うような高音域の声質で気合いの入った「トランペットは響き」を聞かせて満場の喝采を得た。皆歌い方に無理がないのが良いし、独唱者たちは指揮者のようなおちゃらけはしないので、歌い終わるとまじめに賞賛の拍手が起こる。これくらい粒が揃ったソリスト陣でメサイアが組めたらどんなに良いかと思う。歌には自由なアドリブや装飾が多く入っていて、この日の演奏を聴いていると、40年この方世界で前進してきたバロック音楽の運動がしっかりこの地に根を張っているんだなあと実感する。Pifa後のソプラノのアリオーゾなどは聞いたことのないバージョンの歌で、物語を聞いているような鮮烈な刺激だった。
さて、実際の合唱だが、真後の席のおじさん「3 Tenors」組が、歌ったことがあるという程度なのだろう、メロディーの音階も拍取りも全くの我流で外しまくるので、足を引っ張られるように数カ所で落ちてしまった。流石に28番などは彼らには手も足も出ないみたいだった。全体としては、聞こえてくる範囲で言えば、バスは良く歌っていたし、ソプラノも悪くなかったと思う。アーメン・コーラスが終わると、もう一度ハレルヤで〆ようとアンコールして、最後に老ヘンデルが「Go Home!」と叫んでお開きになると、会場を後にする人々の顔には満足感が溢れていた。結論としては、中華料理と同じで、仲間で参加するのが楽しいイベントと思う。でもここに戻ってくことはいつかあるだろうか?あるいは自分の立地で、同じ志で何かやれことはあるだろうか?
Toronto as a city does not look so much into classical music, but today, Sunday, is the day for a concert in which the whole audience becomes a choir singing Messiah at Massey Hall where Glenn Gould also played. When I arrived at the theater around one o’clock to allow 1-hour margin, the road in front of the theater entrance as well as its small lobby was packed by people already. Inside the hall, the seats closer to the stage were all assigned for sopranos on the right and for altos on the left. Boys had about 1/3 of the entire space behind them. I still managed to get a seat right behind altos. The balconies on the second and the third floors seemed also allocated by voices, but I did not check it. In addition, “mix” section was prepared further behind ours, and groups of combined voices could conveniently gather there. The atmosphere was very different from normal concerts: people were dressed casually and conversations were all over across the hall, which appeared more like a community event.
Old Herr Handel in an authentic costume slowly and painfully walked in as escorted by a quartet of SP guys. This was the conductor Ivars Taurins. The serious concerts were over by yesterday, and today is the party day for everybody gathered here. Ivars continued funny talks and jokes, and this kind of situation was completely opposite, interestingly, from what we had done in Tokyo with more religious atmosphere.
Still, the event is programmed to get familiar with baroque music: Herr Handel explained a few things of his period, and asked to the audience what Pifa meant for a better understanding of the music background. Astonishingly, this event will celebrate its 25th anniversary next year, and it is just amazing to me. A few people kept participating since the beginning, and the lady in the center of the first row is one of them. The average age of the audience looked rather high and it would be even nicer if more young generations were here, too.
The performance consisted of total 35 excerpts, but the important arias for each soloist were not forgotten. The exact list can be referred in the attached picture. Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra consists of 4+4+3+2+1 strings from high to low, 2 oboes, 2 trumpets, and the rest is 1 each bassoon, timpani, harpsichord and organ. A small ensemble of 19 players. The chorus was 7+4+5+5, but we could not hear them in this particular situation. The orchestra was swift and the strings of period instruments were not so husky unexpectedly. Their music flew gently without hard edges. The soloists were all quite good: Christine Brandes, soprano, sang charmingly; Daniel Taylor, counter-tenor, was very reliable; Rufus Müller, tenor, had somewhat operatic character but his foot was still on this genre of music and a good singer; Brett Polegato, baritone, revealed his nice voice in high notes like a tenor and sang “the trumpet shall sound” very powerfully to achieve an enormous applause throughout the hall. What is so impressive is all these soloists can sing the language with no strain in contrast to the situation in Japan. As the soloists don’t play funny, unlike the conductor, they were applauded with handclaps after each aria they sang. They sang with abundant frills and adlibs, and with all those elements, I really felt that the restoration movement of baroque music last 40 years or so had now firmly rooted in this ground here in Toronto. Soprano’s arioso after Pifa was unheard version to me, and it sounded more storytelling than usual, and very refreshing.
As for the chorus, the group of “three tenors” behind me looked like they kind of had sung this music nearly once, and their melody was arbitrarily off the notes as well as the points to cut in to affect the neighbors, and it actually caused me to drop singing in several passages unfortunately. They seemed totally unable to cook the song No. 28 “He trusted in God” apparently. In overall, as far as I could hear, the bass was singing quite well, and the sopranos equally good. When we finished the final “Amen chorus”, the conductor offered a bonus of “Hallelujah” encore, and then in the end he shouted to us “go home!” Satisfactions were visible in people’s faces as they leave the hall. To conclude this experience, it would be most enjoyable to participate in a group of friends just like a Chinese dinner. I wonder if I would ever come back again? Or can I find something identical in spirit on my own ground?
In Toronto #2 – トロントにて、グールド墓参など
通り向かいの383番にEurope Bound Travel Outfittersという店があって、こちらは狭い店内に様々な商品が山積みという感じで面白い。アークテリクスもあったが、品数は少なかった。
The splendid sky this morning allowed me to take a nice picture of CN Tower. Against the cold wind hitting my face, I went to shopping at outdoor sports stores on King Street West where 3 stores conveniently gather closely each other. First was Mountain Equipment Co-op at 400. The 2-story building was spacious though not so huge as REI in US. Not all the famous brands, but lots of wears, sacks, shoes and others were displayed. They carried wide range of Black Diamond products, and I bought a pair of liner gloves for $17. Also got cotton pants by MEC for $39. Note that you have to register the membership before buying here with $5 fee.
Across the street is Europe Bound Travel Outfitters at 383, which was an interesting store with lots of stuff dumped all over in the narrow floor space. They carry Arc’Teryx but the items were limited.
At 500 is the first Patagonia store in Canada that opened on Tuesday in the week. I had a shopping list from my family, so I thought lucky and timely. The store was relatively small. Also one should note that the tax in Canada is high at 13%.
The sky turned dark with thick clouds when we finished lunch, but we decided to revisit Glenn Gould at the cemetery. We knew where the block 38 was, but we could only see the family’s gravestone as the snow covered the land completely. Relying on my memory, I wiped out the snow of a small area, and bingo came out the face of Glenn’s monumental stone. Black Diamond’s thin gloves I just had bought were helpful as it did not soak the wet. We removed the ice that stack on the stone, cleaned the surface and then greeted with Glenn. With a sense of being connected with him, we left the cemetery and get back to downtown.
My friend told me that Christmas illuminations in Toronto tend not to be splashy. Indeed, in the town they look modest in general. (Eaton Center’s tree was large though as shown above.)
In many houses though, they do what they can, and there seems to be a large layer of market on the bottom for illuminations. Taking this opportunity, we visited a couple of extreme cases that were once reported in the local newspaper. I don’t know the details where, but they were both about 30 minutes drive out of downtown to different directions.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
秦の兵馬俑 - Qin's terracotta warriors
I thought I could not miss the Royal Ontario Museum as they had a special exhibition of Qin dynasty’s terracotta warriors. The admission was rather high over $30 and I chose early Friday evening with 50% discount. There were 6 warriors and 2 sets of horses and warriors total that sat all separately without being lined up. Quite unfortunate and disappointing to see them in this way. It was said that warriors were originally painted in colors, and there was such a replica in display.
I thought I could not miss the Royal Ontario Museum as they had a special exhibition of Qin dynasty’s terracotta warriors. The admission was rather high over $30 and I chose early Friday evening with 50% discount. There were 6 warriors and 2 sets of horses and warriors total that sat all separately without being lined up. Quite unfortunate and disappointing to see them in this way. It was said that warriors were originally painted in colors, and there was such a replica in display.
Friday, December 17, 2010
In Toronto #1 - トロントにて
Le matin est froid à Toronto cependant quelques gens nagent dans la piscine!
Je loge à Sheraton et ma chambre est loin des ascenseurs, c’est à dire, situé à l’impasse à travers l’espace du service dans le quatrième étage. En donnant sur la cour, la chambre est tranquille sans les bruits routiers. Elle est spacieuse et le tarif que mon ami a arrangé est vraiment bon avec le petit déjeuner à l’étage le plus haut. Hier nuit, j’ai dormi 4 heures.
Toronto - トロントへ
I arrived at Toronto where the temperature was below zero and I feel like truly in the north.
I took the new Skyliner from Nippori to Narita Airport. For a while, I had no idea why this express train could be faster running on the same track, but after 20 minutes or so, the rail looked like renewed with a seamless and more linear line, and the train was quite smooth and comfortable as it accelerated its speed. The both sides of the tracks are still being expanded, and I guess they will someday complete this route into a 4-track line.
At the airport, I found a pair of economical room socks at MUJI for 525 yen, and they are useful in the flight and in the hotel room.
The flight was delayed by 2 hours due to the late carrier arrival from Canada. The gate staff of Air Canada was slow informing the schedule updates, and did not care about controlling and guiding the line of passengers waiting for boarding at all. The crews in the flight had no intimacy in communication but simply doing the minimum service. My local friend told me that they were merged with Canadian Air that eliminated the competitive sense to result in their poor service regretfully.
I arrived at Toronto where the temperature was below zero and I feel like truly in the north.
I took the new Skyliner from Nippori to Narita Airport. For a while, I had no idea why this express train could be faster running on the same track, but after 20 minutes or so, the rail looked like renewed with a seamless and more linear line, and the train was quite smooth and comfortable as it accelerated its speed. The both sides of the tracks are still being expanded, and I guess they will someday complete this route into a 4-track line.
At the airport, I found a pair of economical room socks at MUJI for 525 yen, and they are useful in the flight and in the hotel room.
The flight was delayed by 2 hours due to the late carrier arrival from Canada. The gate staff of Air Canada was slow informing the schedule updates, and did not care about controlling and guiding the line of passengers waiting for boarding at all. The crews in the flight had no intimacy in communication but simply doing the minimum service. My local friend told me that they were merged with Canadian Air that eliminated the competitive sense to result in their poor service regretfully.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
More Messiah Concerts - もうひとつのメサイア
The weather is beautifully clear last few days, and the amaryllis in the vase is so vivid.
A friend who came to our concert of Messiah the other day was involved in another Messiah concert, and in turn today we went to Ueno. The premise was the large hall and the number of chorus members was also large, close to 300! The forte passages were indeed loud, and the phrases were pronounced clear enough indicating their repeated training. On the other hand, the performance tended to lack the subtle nuances.
NHK Broadcast Satellite recently featured a program of Messiah, and the story proceeded around the performance of Bach Collegium Japan. Comparing these performances including ours, it is definitely advantageous to invite solo singers from overseas that often help the problem of language. The TV program very briefly showed our concert scene, and they interviewed someone I know well.
The weather is beautifully clear last few days, and the amaryllis in the vase is so vivid.
A friend who came to our concert of Messiah the other day was involved in another Messiah concert, and in turn today we went to Ueno. The premise was the large hall and the number of chorus members was also large, close to 300! The forte passages were indeed loud, and the phrases were pronounced clear enough indicating their repeated training. On the other hand, the performance tended to lack the subtle nuances.
NHK Broadcast Satellite recently featured a program of Messiah, and the story proceeded around the performance of Bach Collegium Japan. Comparing these performances including ours, it is definitely advantageous to invite solo singers from overseas that often help the problem of language. The TV program very briefly showed our concert scene, and they interviewed someone I know well.
Monday, December 6, 2010
PUMA Room Cat – プーマのルームシューズ
I came across with these room shoes early fall last year, and this Puma Room Cat was so good that I bought some more for my wife and her parents. In a little over a year, mine was worn out, and I automatically tried to get another pair, but they were sold out completely in any shop. Being unable to find altertatives that looked equally appealing, I finally arrived at a product called Neo Low aqua socks by the same Puma. Unfortunately, they ran out with my size. The products today have projected quantity for their production and once it has been met, that’s the end of the product, and thus everything tends to have a short life these days.
I came across with these room shoes early fall last year, and this Puma Room Cat was so good that I bought some more for my wife and her parents. In a little over a year, mine was worn out, and I automatically tried to get another pair, but they were sold out completely in any shop. Being unable to find altertatives that looked equally appealing, I finally arrived at a product called Neo Low aqua socks by the same Puma. Unfortunately, they ran out with my size. The products today have projected quantity for their production and once it has been met, that’s the end of the product, and thus everything tends to have a short life these days.
Friday, December 3, 2010
庭の出来事 – something happened in my garden
今日は朝から暴風雨状態だ。ここは海に近いせいか元々風は強いのだが、今朝はギアがもう1-2段上がったような突風が吹いて、庭にあったものはあらかた吹き飛ばされてしまった。プラスチック製で軽いRashidの椅子OH Chairは2mくらい先に寝転がっており、愛用していたdriade MIRTOの丸テーブルなんかどうやって飛んだのだろう、塀を越えて道路に落ちたので見るも無惨に壊れてしまった。
Stormy wind and rain this morning. Because it is relatively close to the beach, the wind tends to blow strong here, but it was one or two steps up this morning and it looked violent. Evidently, everything in my garden was blown. I saw Karim Rashid’s OH Chairs (plastic and light) laying down a few meters away, and my favorite round table of driade MIRTO went out of the fence down to the road, and miserably broken completely. I have no idea how a table could fly such a distance!
My wife started the maintenance of this garden the other day. The heavy works such as removing part of wooden deck, rearranging the soil and planting some trees were done by a local gardener. The trees she chose were a feijoa, a yuzu citrus, and a couple of blueberries, all with the hopeful harvest of fruits some day. She then bought variety of young plants and soils, and worked on them in the weekend. I had no idea what they were.
The order I received from her was to repaint the wooden deck, and we agreed to use Osmo One Coat Only. I checked the Internet extensively and ordered the oil paint at Natural Paint shop that offered the best price, and their delivery was prompt. Yesterday, while the weather was nice, I cut some branches (of pinus pumila?) covering the deck aggressively, surfaced the old wood with sanding machine, and finished about a quarter of the entire deck space. You paint One Coat Only like wiping the surface with a cloth generally, but would also need a brush and masking tape for the fine line finish which I plan to continue at a later time.
Stormy wind and rain this morning. Because it is relatively close to the beach, the wind tends to blow strong here, but it was one or two steps up this morning and it looked violent. Evidently, everything in my garden was blown. I saw Karim Rashid’s OH Chairs (plastic and light) laying down a few meters away, and my favorite round table of driade MIRTO went out of the fence down to the road, and miserably broken completely. I have no idea how a table could fly such a distance!
My wife started the maintenance of this garden the other day. The heavy works such as removing part of wooden deck, rearranging the soil and planting some trees were done by a local gardener. The trees she chose were a feijoa, a yuzu citrus, and a couple of blueberries, all with the hopeful harvest of fruits some day. She then bought variety of young plants and soils, and worked on them in the weekend. I had no idea what they were.
The order I received from her was to repaint the wooden deck, and we agreed to use Osmo One Coat Only. I checked the Internet extensively and ordered the oil paint at Natural Paint shop that offered the best price, and their delivery was prompt. Yesterday, while the weather was nice, I cut some branches (of pinus pumila?) covering the deck aggressively, surfaced the old wood with sanding machine, and finished about a quarter of the entire deck space. You paint One Coat Only like wiping the surface with a cloth generally, but would also need a brush and masking tape for the fine line finish which I plan to continue at a later time.
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