Sunday, February 23, 2014


自転車や旅目的の地図閲覧にGarmin 800が欲しいとずっと思いつつ、出費が馬鹿にならないのでここまで手を出さないでiPhoneを活用してきた。今回の旅でも巡礼路のルートマップとナビをどうするか決めなくてはならないのだが、普段使っているルートラボ、DIY GPSCyclemeterなどはいずれも期待できない。理由のひとつは海外地図へのアクセスと入手性。地図があっても海外で常時ローミングして地図表示したら厖大な通話料の心配がある。そこで必要条件を整理してみると、

1.   オフライン地図を使ってGPSでの位置表示をする
2.   自分が作ったルートを地図上に表示できる
3.   8時間程度の動作維持が可能

もうひとつの懸案、電池の持ちについては、iPad miniというのがひとつの選択だろう。地図の閲覧は楽だし、10時間くらいの使用は見込める。でも僕は第1世代iPadに愛想を尽かせて手放したので、買い直す必要がある。もうひとつの選択は単純にiPhoneのままで補充電池を持参という妥協案だ。こちらは自転車での使用に有利。取り敢えず、脚が治ったらGalileo上の日本地図でテスト走行してみようと思う。

Garmin 800 has long been on my shopping list for map viewing in travels as well as bike riding, but its cots has just prevented me to date with the option of iPhone as a practical alternative. For the forthcoming trip of pilgrimage, I need to decide what to do with route maps and navigation since none of Route Lab, DIY GPS or Cyclemeter that I now use suit for the purpose. The primary reason is the availability and accessibility of overseas maps. If I keep loaming to refresh the map on display, the phone cost could be enormous outside Japan. The criteria would be something like those listed below:

1.   To display the location with GPS on a offline map
2.   Ability of showing the route I created on the map
3.   Roughly 8 hours of operating time

I did the research of IOS apps that satisfied the above requirements from the scratch again, and came across with Galileo Offline Maps. The preciseness of maps cannot rival with that of Google Maps with a quick look, but it would be sufficient for finding a specific destination in towns. The real advantage is the ability of loading GPX files on variety of available maps of the world to view routes.
As for my own particular routes, Strava site now features a new function of creating routes under the definition of cycling or walking and output them as GPX files. The rest is to load them in Galileo application.
Another concern of mine is the battery life, and one ultimate answer would be iPad that is ideal for map viewing and allows 10 hours operation time. I was actually frustrated with the first generation iPad and gave it up, and thus I need to buy the new one for this approach. Another answer is simply to stick with the current iPhone but carry an external battery, this can probably extend the operation to 5-6 hours and advantageous in bike running. I will experiment it upon the recovery of my knee using a domestic map.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Scarpa vs Salomon - トレッキングシューズ物色中

膝の怪我は内側靱帯を伸ばした軽傷の部類で、普通に戻るには2ヶ月くらい必要とのこと。膝周りの筋力強化を含むトレーニングは早くても4月からになりそう。20km強の距離を7日間歩き続ける準備に肝心の靴について、これまで履いていたScarpaはソールがすり減ってきたし、小指のあたりが狭くて血豆の原因でもあったので、早めに新しい靴を探すことにした。自転車に乗ることも考え軽くて、但し歩く時はしっかりグリップできる靴。そんなうまい話があるだろうか?僕は踝にかかるミッドカットの靴が好きなのだが、たまたまネットでセールになっていたSalomon Viaggio GTXという靴をあまり熟考もせず見た眼で衝動買いした。重さは405g x2Scarpaよりは20%軽い。Salomonは細いとの世評通り幅は2Eで、Scarpaより細身に見える。ただ形状は小指の横から先端にかけて急に細くなるScarpaに対し、Salomonはカーブがやや緩くもっと手前が細くなっている感じだ。靴の後部分は踝への立ち上がりがもっと垂直に近い。これが足に慣れるかどうか履いてみて、ダメならワイド+ローカットで探すつもり。

My injury was the stretched ligament inside of the knee, relatively light damage, but it will take 2-3 months to get back to normal. Trainings focusing the muscles around the knee may be started from April earliest. Despite the situation, I had been look for a pair of shoes in preparation for continued 7-day walks of over 20km per day because the outer soles of my Scarpa’s are worn out and its narrow foot shape causes to ache little fingers. Something light enough for bike riding yet solid enough for long walking hopefully! As I love mid-cut designs, I bought Salomon Viaggio GTX instantly upon seeing it on the net without much thought. It weighs 2 x405g, 20% less than Scarpa. As many users commented, its shape was narrow and indeed specified as 2E, but the outer curve looks gentler than Scarpa which bends quickly from little finger side toward the toe, therefore in case of Salomon the narrow pressure stays closer to the pad than the fingers. The back of Salomon is more upright than Scarpa, and I will see how the new one fits me. If not, I will probably go for a low-cut, wide pair instead.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Bicigrino Planning – 巡礼路の自転車走計画

コンポステラの巡礼路にあてがえる日数は15日、そうなるとまともに歩いても全行程の1/3程度なので今回の徒歩区間は終盤のレオン以降に決め、あとはその手前をどれだけ自転車で追加できるか考えた。しかし何が起こるか分からない旅では調整を兼ねた余裕も必要で、最終的にはパンプローナからブルゴスまでの220km4日間の自転車旅行として、そこから最後の山場とされるセブレイロ峠手前までの間はバスでつなぎ、途中レオンでの調整日を入れる計画にした。この中間部分は平坦な大平原で歩くと単調だろうと予想したが、自転車なら飛ばせる区間とも言える。参考までに自転車ルートマップを添えるが、初日は足慣らしと自転車の調整なども考慮して峠越えひとつの短距離22.6kmPuente la Reinaまでにとどめる。2日目はいくつかのアップ・ダウンを繰り返す山岳コース57.5kmを走ってLogroño近辺に投宿、3日目は58.2kmCarzadaまで、そして最終日は長めの68.4kmだが最高高度の峠1160mを過ぎると残り30kmは下りが続く。


などと計画や準備を着々と進めていた昨日、いつも問題となる右膝の腱を雪道でまた痛めてしまった。この時期に体調がマイナス側に振れたのでは、しばらくトレーニングはおろか、この旅行プラン自体が「無駄足」になりそうで気が萎える。そんな折りにスペインからはレンタサイクルで目星を付けていたCycling-Rentalsというお店から問い合わせに対する丁寧な返信(英語)が届く。自転車の引き渡し、引き取りの手順など不明点のひとつひとつに明確な説明をしてもらい、「巡礼路の大半は道の状態も良いので、MTBじゃなくても、このツアー・ロード車でタイアの心配はいらないよ」とのアドバイス。そして僕が希望するBH Zephireのツアー用ロードモデル(27-48/38/28T)4日間ツアーのフルパッケージ料金は約€187との見積だった。

I almost determined that the walk to Compostela would be all by myself alone, but delighting news came from my friend that his wife basically said okay for him to go to the trip.
We have 15 days for traveling St. James Way that is only enough to cover 1/3 of the entire route, and thus my plan is that we concentrate the walk from Leon or even closer and add as many days as possible on bike before Leon. We also need to save margins and adjustments to deal with whatever happens, and my current conclusion is to run 220km on bike from Pamplona to Burgos in 4 days, take buses between Burgos and Cebreiro allowing some rest in Leon. Images attached here show our bike route starting with conservative 22.6km to Puenta la Reina, gradually increasing the distance via Viana near Logroño, Santo Domingo de Carzada. The final 68.4km is long and involves attacking 1160m high pass but 30km afterward is pure descent to Burgos.

Unknown route running causes some concerns. A predecessor’s blog quotes “it looks rather tough for bikes to go on the pilgrim roads, and I thought my randonneur bike wouldn’t manage it. MTB’s speed appeared to be 10 to 13km/h.” The topic of antagonistic atmosphere between the bike riders and the walkers with iPod are too popular in the net. On the other hand, if we take the normal roads, we will have to deal with the risk of pressures by trucks that pass over 100km/h speed.  

And while I was busy on such things of planning, I slipped on the snow yesterday to damage my always-problematic right knee. If the needle swings to negative in this timing, the training plan diminishes and the travel itself might miss its goal. But in the meantime, an impressively nice e-mail reply came from Cycling-Rentals in Spain explaining all the details about delivery/collection etc, and they commented that the Camino roads are generally in good condition suitable for road touring bikes. They quoted 187 for my planned tour.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

欧州格安航空券? – Are European Fights Cheap Now?

A capriciously sudden decision of travel to Portugal has been reached. It’s the story of my wife, but everything started from my conversation with a friend who asked me if we could execute the walk on St. James pilgrim road in this summer. I saw a timely advertising of cheap prices to Europe by Bristish Airways, and I immediately investigated. Well, their claim of 200-300 was excuding necessary surcharges to result merely ordinary prices in most part. Still, I found some AirFrance flights via Paris for <800 in end May which was attractive.
So my own plan is to walk in Spain first and then merge with my wife’s travel in Portugal, and I have to complete the whole thing within a month because of airticket budget while the French Way would need some 45 days departing St. Jean Pied de Port. Roughly ten days would be spent in Portugal that leaves only 20 days in Spain, and my conclusion was half-on-bike and half-on-foot from Pamplona to Santiago that would physically fit in my time schedule. BH bikes can be rented literally in Spain! Zephire as touring model cost 65 for 3 days and Speedrom road model costs almost a double although the latter would not be the right choice for the pilgrim roads.