Sunday, June 8, 2014

西班牙歩きの旅#8 - Monforte de Lemos


到着した日はホテルで食事を取り、翌朝観光案内所に向けてさらに街の先に行ってみると、むしろそっちが街の中心部のようでお店が増えてきた。骨董機械時計のお店などは土産を買いにもう一度戻りたいほどだ。案内所はワインショップの奥にあって、あれこれ相談の結果一軒の地元Ribeira Sacraのワイナリーへの訪問をアレンジして、タクシー手配もしてもらい乗り場に向かった。ワイナリーはどこも10km先のシル川沿いなので歩いては行けないようだ。

ワイナリーAdega Algueiraは田舎の一軒家で、別棟でレストランも経営している。オーナーのFernando Gonzálezさんが出迎えてくれ、中で英語の案内ビデオとテイスティングで1時間少々という組立のようだ。タクシーは後で迎えに来てくれる手筈となる。しかし10種類ほどのワインを次々に試飲しながら質問や会話でだんだん盛り上がってきてFernandoさんの話にも熱が入る。「日照が良いのでビオが出来る。水はけの良い土壌はここではティエドラ(テロワール)じゃなくて、ピエドラと言うくらいでね。」元々銀行の仕事をしていたのを辞めてワイン造りに入った気骨あるガリシア人で、ローマ時代からの伝統製法を踏襲し、樽は地元のガリシア・オークに拘ったりもすると言っていた。僕らはどうしてもワイン畑が見たいのでそう申し出ると、それは川から標高差最大500mの急斜面に一面段々畑を作っているので車で送ってあげるからその先歩いてご覧ということになった。表に出るとちょうどタクシーが頃合いを見て迎えに来たところで、訳を説明して迎車をさらに1時間遅らせてもらうことにした。確かに日当たりの良いシル川の南斜面は見事に全面段々の葡萄畑となっていて、ここまでの開墾や斜面での手入れ・収穫など大変な作業だと思った。(5月13日)

A sideway here was another Camino with St. Jacques! ここにも巡礼路!
The reason why we went off the Camino route was simply because we could not book a night at the popular Cebreiro Pass. I was worried to walk further to burden my knee, and started investigating detours. Then I found Sarria was accessible from north and south where is more than 100km away from Santiago enabling the Credential. Looking into the south route along Ria Sil instead of the north via Lugo, there was a city called Monforte de Lemos before Ourence where a palador was conveniently located near the station and if we go further sounth into the mountains across the river, a well-reputed lodge and some trekking courses existed, and all this sounded totally exciting. Also, the palador was actually affordable, and I obtained the consent from my partner about this alternative plan.

The train ride from Astorga was 2.5 hours, and nothing active in front of Monforte station: It looked almost like a deserted country town. There were no taxis but we anyway planned walking. The palador was on a hill with nearly 100m elevation, so one should expect some effort to make. There will be practically no others to visit the palador on foot. It was again a renovated, old monastery into a nice and calm lodging with the view of surroundings. For two days, we had a wondeful time thanks to the hospitality and friendly conversation with Rocio in the front desk and Vanessa in the restaurant.

We dined in the palador the night we arrived, which was nice. Next morning, we went to the tourist information further ahead, and this direction was actually the center of the town with more shops around. We were so interested in an antique clock store that we really hoped to come back here again to buy one. The information was side by side with a wine store, and we discussed with the staff the possible attractions to conclude in the end a winery tour in Ribeira Sacra arranging a taxi transportation in order. All wineries were along Ria Sil and the distance of 10 miles did not look practical for walking. So we went to the taxi stop.

Adega Alguera looked like a house, and they had another house serving as their restaurant. The owner, Fernando González, greeted us and the tour course was basically showing a guide video in English followed by some tasting for about an hour. As we go on the tasting of 10 different wines, all of us got more passionate through the converstion and questions/answers. “Sufficient sunshine allows bio here. And the soil is realtively dry, so we rather call it piedra here instead of tiedra (terroir)”, says Fernando. He used to be a banker before and turned into a wine maker, a stuborn Galician, stressing that they maintain the tradition of Roman wine-making methods and some of their barrels use local Galician oak. We appealed to him that we were interested in seeing the actual vineyards, and he offered a ride to the area near the river allowing us some walk there. In the meantime, the taxi came back to pick us up, and we explained and asked the driver to delay our pick up once again. The landscape of the slope up from Ria Sil was all vineyards in small incremental steps entirely under the sun which was wonderful. On the other hand, cultivating this land and continuing the care and the harvest seemed a real hard work.

西班牙歩きの旅#7 - Astorga




We took bus at 8:30 in the morning for Astorga from Leon. Knowing that Gaudi’s Episcopal Palace was closed on Monday, our plan in Astorga was to stay in town until 14:00 train heading south off the Camino for a while.
Sitting next to Gaudi’s Palace was Cathedral which is worth visiting, too. It was built in the ages of Renaissance to Baroque, and not so large but beautifully finished inside.

In Burgos, I bought some cough drops but they did not help much to improve the problem of my throat and running nose, and I thought I should go get some pills in a pharmacy. I explained my symptom, and the staff were kind enough confirming my alergy and medical status before arranging medicine for the cold. I also managed to get some sleeping pills.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

西班牙歩きの旅#6 - León

レオンは小休止と日程調整の可能性を考えて2泊だったので少し奮発して上質ホテルに入る。Hospederia Monastica Pax(€74/朝食込み)はその名の通り修道院の一部をホテルに、さらに隣部分をアルベルゲに改装した宿泊施設で、場所はかなり分かり辛かったが中はゆったりとスペースが確保され快適だ。ここではTVでマドリード・オープンのナダル・錦織戦などに興じた。
Hospederia Monastica Pax
The neighborhood


2-night’s stay in Leon was intended for a break and possible schedule adjustment, and we had booked an upper-level hotel, Hospederia Monastic Pax (€74 incl. breakfast). It was literally a modified monastery for hotel facility and separate albergue as well. We had some difficulty finding its location, but once inside the hotel was spacious and comfortable.

The break coincided with a weekend, and the restaurant we were interested in was closed. I actually don’t recall much about this city except mostly relaxing in the hotel room such as watching the Madrid Open tennis final of Nadal and Nishikori on TV. We definitely walked a bit to notice a rigid scallop mark and a strange footstep on the main street as well as visiting the Cathedral: Due to its poor construction and aging damage, the citizens were worried about its ceiling collapsing and had to spend years for renovating it. It was visible because the colors of structural outer wall stones were not uniform here and there. Inside was rather moderate, or I should say chic. The pipe organs were placed on both wings. 

A few minutes along the main street from the Cathedral is a building designed by Gaudi, now used as a bank. Gaudi himself sits in a bench in front of the building.

Friday, June 6, 2014

西班牙歩きの旅#5 - Burgos


The bus to Burgos took the northern route via Haro instead of the pilgrim way via Santo Domingo de la Calzada. This road looked well suited for a bike tour with nice scenic views.

Forum Evolucion (€55) in Burgos was a very contemporary petit hotel that runs now for over 2 years. It locates very close to the bus terminal as well as supermarkets conveniently in the other side of Cathedral across the river. The room was designed nice and clean, and in the bathroom the toilet can be shut by a sliding glass door. I was fully content with the quality for the price for two. I was curious about its name and soon learned that it was another huge event facility of the city across the street, and its modern architecture was attractive.

We had a light lunch at the hotel café and went out for sightseeing. We saw more pilgrims here, and we walked to the municipal albergue for issuing our own credentials. It was a modern renovation of building with the capacity of some 150 pilgrims, but around 16 or 17 o’clock in the afternoon, they were telling to the visiting pilgrims that the facility was already full the night.

There are 2 spots you shouldn't miss in Burgos: the Cathedral and Monasterio de Santa María la Real de Las Huelgas. No need to add a word for the Cathedral as everybody visits there, but it was indeed the first class in terms of gorgeousness among many churches I visited this time. Each surrounding chapel and its ceiling showed breath-taking artistic effort.

Monasterio Las Huelgas has been maintained by the Spanish kingdom. It locates a little away for the center, and you walk through an upper-class town of nice flats. We arrived at Monasterio before 13:00 assuming sufficient before Siesta closing at 14:00, but they said to us the ticket gate closed 1 hour in advance already. Here the visitors have to be guided and they said English-speaking guides cannot be arranged immediately either. We begged them asking how they could help miserable visitors all the way from Japan, and in the end they somewhat reluctantly replied that we could catch up and join a Spanish tour already in process. So a staff took us inside the monastery and let us merge with the tour. We thought it would be a group of Spanish people but actually there was a single only lady visitor there. The guide actually spoke English, and she started explaining in 2 languages. This tour was impressive. Both architectural variety and quality, although photos were not allowed. We thought more visitors should see this.

One another spot: Castillo on a hilltop behind the Cathedral. We walked up via San Esteban, but the facility was close somehow. Another female visitor was seen coming up, a Croatian diplomat's wife this lady introduced herself, and we regretted our misfortune. There was a vista point downward, so we could at least have a panoramic view of the city.

西班牙歩きの旅#4 - Logroño

ログローニョの駅舎は割と現代的な作りだった。ここで我々は初めて格下の宿、ホステルに泊まることになる。エブロ川の近くまで20分ほど歩いて目的のPención Parque del Ebroを捜したがなかなか見つからない。住所を辿りながら戻っていくとそれらしき建物は進行方向からは目印が見えず見落としていた。トイレ、バスは共用で居住性は当然ながらこれまでのホテルからは見劣りするが、この先一泊€10の巡礼宿という洗礼も待っているし、ツイン€39は程々か。ここで物干し用にモンベルで仕入れた3mmφのロープ/5mが活躍する。洗濯ばさみはかさばらないよう文房具のペーパークリップを持参した。


Logrono train station building was quite modern. In this city, we degrade our lodging from hotel to hostel and we walked for about 20 minutes near the River Ebro without being able to find Pención Parque del Ebro. We walked back carefully checking the address, and found the overlooked hostel sign that we invisible from the direction we had been heading. The room was reasonable, and the level of comfort would be limited because the bathroom was to share. The fee of €39 for two may be justifiable considering albergues we would stay later for €10 each. The 3mm rope of 5m long was useful here as we washed underwear.
Being a small city of 150 thousand citizens, Logrono seemed enjoying rather prosperous infrastructure such as a huge park along the River Ebro. This kind of impression of mine grew even stronger when we visited Burgos later, and it was quite interesting observing the gap between reputedly dying national economy and still seemingly sustained energy of real life in each city. A good coffee was available anywhere for €1.20-1.50, and oranges were around €1/kg that we depended on daily. At least, the cities did not look shrunk much to the eyes of travelers. In the park of Ebro was a space of kids to experience science which was great, and particularly stimulating those who deal with sound in profession.
Logrono is the center of La Rioja, and we definitely arranged a tour to wineries and visited taperias in the evening that were regarded as good as those in San Sebastian. I felt most relaxed here since I came to Spain this time.