Friday, June 6, 2014

西班牙歩きの旅#4 - Logroño

ログローニョの駅舎は割と現代的な作りだった。ここで我々は初めて格下の宿、ホステルに泊まることになる。エブロ川の近くまで20分ほど歩いて目的のPención Parque del Ebroを捜したがなかなか見つからない。住所を辿りながら戻っていくとそれらしき建物は進行方向からは目印が見えず見落としていた。トイレ、バスは共用で居住性は当然ながらこれまでのホテルからは見劣りするが、この先一泊€10の巡礼宿という洗礼も待っているし、ツイン€39は程々か。ここで物干し用にモンベルで仕入れた3mmφのロープ/5mが活躍する。洗濯ばさみはかさばらないよう文房具のペーパークリップを持参した。


Logrono train station building was quite modern. In this city, we degrade our lodging from hotel to hostel and we walked for about 20 minutes near the River Ebro without being able to find Pención Parque del Ebro. We walked back carefully checking the address, and found the overlooked hostel sign that we invisible from the direction we had been heading. The room was reasonable, and the level of comfort would be limited because the bathroom was to share. The fee of €39 for two may be justifiable considering albergues we would stay later for €10 each. The 3mm rope of 5m long was useful here as we washed underwear.
Being a small city of 150 thousand citizens, Logrono seemed enjoying rather prosperous infrastructure such as a huge park along the River Ebro. This kind of impression of mine grew even stronger when we visited Burgos later, and it was quite interesting observing the gap between reputedly dying national economy and still seemingly sustained energy of real life in each city. A good coffee was available anywhere for €1.20-1.50, and oranges were around €1/kg that we depended on daily. At least, the cities did not look shrunk much to the eyes of travelers. In the park of Ebro was a space of kids to experience science which was great, and particularly stimulating those who deal with sound in profession.
Logrono is the center of La Rioja, and we definitely arranged a tour to wineries and visited taperias in the evening that were regarded as good as those in San Sebastian. I felt most relaxed here since I came to Spain this time.

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