こんな事を始めたのは、先日クイケンのマタイ受難曲チケットを購入したからで、それというのも演奏会が3月5日の初台(6日は横浜)なので、その翌週Gardiner/Monteverdi Choirのマタイをパリに赴いて鑑賞するという春先から内心暖めていた構想は自動的にボツになったからだ。
そこで他の都市での催し物を物色しまくった結果、ブルージュではバッハ・アカデミーなる小さな音楽祭が同時進行しており、ザルツブルクから翌朝汽車を乗り継げば10時間、その日のJohn Butt/Dunedin Consortの演奏会(モテットとブランデンブルクなど)と、翌日のHerreweghe/Collegium Vocaleの演奏会(カンタータ101番とBuxtehudeのオリジナル)に駆け込めるという日程を算段した。弾丸ツアー的な3連チャンのコンサートツアーになるのだが、その価値ありやなしやと只今思い悩んでいる最中だ。
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http://www.collegiumvocale.com/en/seasons/757-bach-academie-brugge |
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http://www.concertgebouw.be/en/programmagids/detail/bachacademiebrugge201612#modalOpen |
Thinking of concerts in Europe last few days...
In this autumn for example, Mehta and Barenboim perform Brahms with l'Orchestre de Paris, which I wouldn't miss if I stayed nearby. L'Auditorium hall of French National Broadcast looks new, and I am so much interested in experiencing it!
All these things started since I bought a ticket of Kujiken's Mattheus-Passion because I had originally a thought of traveling to Paris for St. Matthew's concert by Gardiner/Monteverdi Choir the following week, that I eventually gave up.
Instead, I found they have a concert of coupling Requiem and C-minor mass in Mozart Week in Salzburg next January. Actually, I have participated in their concert exactly with this coupling in San Francisco in January 2006 when they made the first US tour, and it was very emotional and truly touching. I feel desperate to re-experience the same sensation even if Salzburg in winter may not be too attractive.
I further searched music events in other cities, and came across with a smallish festival called Bach Academy in Bruges at the same time with Salzburg. Next morning if I take trains, for 10 hours, I would be in time for the concert of John Butt/Dunedin Consort in the evening, and another one by Herreweghe/Collegium Vocale the following night. I now need to determine if this trip would be really worthwhile...
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