eyes on Japanese culture, art, travel and technology in more visible pictures ... and ultimately bike-riding
Thursday, February 25, 2016
創造と神秘のサグラダファミリア - Sagrada, the Movie
I saw the movie "SAGRADA el Misteri de la Creació" at Yebisu Garden Cinema (although the show will end this week). We can learn the historic aspects from this movie such as how young Gaudi got involved in the design of this cathedral, the destruction at the time of Franco regime, and the difficulty facing with oppositions to continuing the construction. I recognize the inside has made a significant progress since the time I visited there some 10 years ago. The finish with stained glasses lifts the impression so lively and magnificent.
The movie begins with the German narration, a bit of surprise to me, because this is a production of German team. Whether it is one of reasons or not, the music in this movie was only from Bach's B-minor mass performed by Jordi Saval and le Concert des Nations. It sounded to me a different take from the published DVD recording at l'Abbaye de Fontfroide. I thought Saval was the ideal choice here, but which music to be put here would have required a lot of consideration. Saval talked in the movie about the common aspect between the B-minor mass and this cathedral: a long process of stacking up pieces for the completion, and it is not where it stops.
Garden Cinema is a smallish theater in the United chain with luxurious seats laid out to avoid front seats' intervention as well as the sufficient tilts; all designed for a quality viewing.
Saturday, February 20, 2016
MQAを聴く - Listening MQA Sound
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Meridian Prime |
幸いと言うか、我がリスニングルームのPCオーディオ環境が少し前進を始めたところだ。PCオーディオについては1年くらい前にここでもちょっとだけつまみ食い的に書いたまま、ずっと煮え切らないでいた音楽再生専用目的のMac mini導入にようやく資金メドが立って、late 2012モデルをヤフオクで先日ゲットした。Audirvanaでデコードしたマルチチャンネル音声は目論見通りHDMI経由で正常にAVアンプに送られている。Mac miniはシステム環境設定の「画面共有」を有効にしておけば、別のデスクトップ・マックから画面操作できるので、本体をAV機器のラック周囲に置いても支障はない。僕の場合は仕事机のiMacからの操作で動かしている。理想を言えばAmarraみたいにiPhone/iPadがリモコンになる形態だろうが、Audirvanaにはそこまで器用な機能提供はない。
HDMI上の8ch伝送は上限96kHzのようで、これがMac側の制約なのか受け手のAVアンプ側なのかはまだ調べていないが、それはさて置きMac miniからの音は総じてちょっとシャリシャリ感が強く、なめらか傾向ではないようだ。現状ではCambridge (Oppo)プレーヤーからの音の方がしっくりなのだが、どちらのケースもD/AはAVアンプ側なので、この違いがデコード段階のどこから来るのかは不明だ。昔仕事でコンテンツ再生の実験をしていた頃、iMac経由の音が非常に良かったので余り心配はしていなかったのだが、このままだとやはり適当なUSB-DACに繋いだ場合の音を確認しておく必要を感じる。タイムロードのKさんにお願いして、一度ChordのHugo TTでも拝借したいところだ(!)。それでも2Lサイトから試しにダウンロードしたMQA音源で、いわゆるMQAデコードしないCD相当の互換再生をしてみた際、Vivaldiのレチタティーヴォが意外に自然な奥行き感を出しているのを感じた。通常僕が5.1以上のサラウンド再生に固執するのは、こうした音源で明らかな空間描写の違いがあるからで、2chに切り替えた途端にすごく薄い平面的な左右軸の音場になってしまうからだ。MQA音源はそのまま聴いても音が良くなっているよと言われているので、そのあたりはもう少しじっくり確認してみたいと思っている。
そんな中で先日Meridian Primeを日帰りで持ち込んでもらって試聴する機会を得た。この製品はMQA対応のUSB-DAC兼ヘッドフォンアンプ製品で、市場価格は20数万円の小さな箱。現実にはちょっと手が出ない。まずは持ち込まれたノートPCにデモ音源があるので、USBでPrimeに渡し、RCA出力をこちらのAVアンプのアナログ入力で受けて聴くことにする。オリジナル音源とMQAファイルとの比較試聴だ。最初にNorah Jonesが鳴った瞬間、のっけからハッとさせられる音の良さだ。聴き慣れたCDとは次元が違うんじゃないかと感じる。しかしここではオリジナルとの比較なので次々と曲を聴いていく。192kHzの音源とCD程度のデータ量にたたみ込まれたMQAの音は聞き分けられないくらい近い。音の違いというのではなく、雰囲気に違いがあるのではないかと改めて聴き直すと、その差は判然としなくなる。スピーカー面から先の奥行き表現に長けているのかなというのが瞬間的な第一印象だった。ずっとそんな微妙な繰り返しでこれは合格だなと思う中、いかにもステレオ初期らしい録音のブルーベックのTake Fiveで、アルトサックスの音が唯一の例外だった。オリジナル音源の方が腰太に聞こえたのはむしろ「どうしてそうなるのだろう」と怪訝に思うくらいだった。
折角の機会なので、僕としてはやはりMac miniのAudirvanaからMQAを通して聴きたい。そこでマック用のドライバー(DAC-Uploader)をインストールする必要があった。ところがこのドライバーはOS-X10.9以上を要求してきた。自分のMac miniはそのままでは使えない。急遽、Yosemiteが入っている仕事机のiMacを使うことにする。しかしその為には3mくらいのピン-ピン・ケーブルが必要だ。これも手持ちのシールド線を使って急いで作りあげ、再生に漕ぎ着けた。ここでの試聴は2Lテストベンチのファイルでハイレゾ、CDグレード、MQAをあれこれ比較してみた。結論としてはデータ量が8倍程度のハイレゾ音源と拮抗する音質がMQAで聴ける訳だから、ダウンロード音楽のサプライヤーにとっても聴き手にとっても朗報ということだと思う。Primeからの音はやはりAudirvanaなのだが、なめらか方向に傾いてくれているという印象だった。こうなると$50出してAmarraの音ももう一度真剣に聴いてみるべきだろうか? Meridian製品にはPrimeの他にExplorer2という5万程度のデコーダもあるので、ハードとして狙い目のひとつはそちらになるだろう。
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Meridian Explorer 2 |
Friday, February 19, 2016
薬師池公園と梅園 - Yakushi-Ike Park and Its Plum Garden
It's now the season for plum ("Ume") trees! In Yakushi-Ike Park of Machida is a plum garden, and the view from the upper promenade should be wonderful. The best timing is said to be end February, but it was a warm, beautiful day today, and I decided to ride on my bike. It is about 2-hour/40 km tour from Kamakura. The route was quite comfortable in overall: The roads in the north of Machida tended a bit narrow, but otherwise it was mostly a simple road to follow in most part. I saw a few trees in full bloom, but if you want to enjoy a gorgeous view with splashes of blooms in the entire garden, you should patiently delay your visit by a week or so.
It's now the season for plum ("Ume") trees! In Yakushi-Ike Park of Machida is a plum garden, and the view from the upper promenade should be wonderful. The best timing is said to be end February, but it was a warm, beautiful day today, and I decided to ride on my bike. It is about 2-hour/40 km tour from Kamakura. The route was quite comfortable in overall: The roads in the north of Machida tended a bit narrow, but otherwise it was mostly a simple road to follow in most part. I saw a few trees in full bloom, but if you want to enjoy a gorgeous view with splashes of blooms in the entire garden, you should patiently delay your visit by a week or so.
Monday, February 15, 2016
Bärenreiter Versions, B-minor Mass - ロ短調ベーレン新旧版楽譜
My wife bought a Bärenreither edition of B-minor Mass vocal score for her own use, and I immediately noticed the difference in the content appearance: Mine is 1955 version while her's is 2010. I recall that the conductor mentioned the lack of the instrument indications in the new edition while we sang this music a couple of years ago, but the changes were more drastic. As you can see in the attached pictures, the timpani notes disappeared and there are fewer notes in the harmony in the 2010 copy. The older version simply packed all the orchestral parts, but the new version, I guess, focused on the arrangement for the keyboard accompaniment.
My wife bought a Bärenreither edition of B-minor Mass vocal score for her own use, and I immediately noticed the difference in the content appearance: Mine is 1955 version while her's is 2010. I recall that the conductor mentioned the lack of the instrument indications in the new edition while we sang this music a couple of years ago, but the changes were more drastic. As you can see in the attached pictures, the timpani notes disappeared and there are fewer notes in the harmony in the 2010 copy. The older version simply packed all the orchestral parts, but the new version, I guess, focused on the arrangement for the keyboard accompaniment.
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Bärenreiter 1955 Edition |
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Bärenreiter 2010 Edition |
* * *
Monday, February 8, 2016
手白沢温泉 - Teshirozawa Hotsprings
I told about my desire of a snow-walking to a friend of mine who is a mountaineering expert, and he made a plan to visit a hot spring deep beyond Nikko. I have refrained from climbing since I damaged my ligament a couple of years ago, therefore this was actually the first recovery trekking for me. We arrived at Kinugawa-Onsen station of Tobu-Nikko Line around 10:00 in the morning, and took a bus for Meotobuchi-Onsen. Further beyond, no cars are allowed except shuttle services for those staying at Haccho-no-yu or Kaniyu lodgings. Other visitors have to walk all the way, and we took the hiking road along the river. No real climbing but it will take about 2.5 hours to Kaniyu in the snow. It is least stressful as there are footsteps in the snow that you can simply follow. Our destination, Teshirozawa-Onsen, is further up with the altitude of almost 1500m to cost you some 40 minutes more of going up. Both of us once visited this area more than 40 years ago (individually), and everything looked totally different!
Teshirozawa-Onsen lodging was renovated 19 years ago that now looks more like a standard "ryokan" than a classic mountain lodge. The fee was somewhat expensive 14,500 Yen per night incl. 2 meals. We immediately took bath after arrival as our body was chilly enough in the long walk. The water in the tub was quite hot but good with sulfur smell. Outdoor bath wasn't hot as the outside temperature was below zero. The entire lodging was air-conditioned and it was rather hot while sleeping as I was sweating. It should be lowered to 16 degrees or so, or it would be nice if controllable in each room.
We departed around 9 in the next morning, and took the wider traffic road ("Rindo" = forrest road). The actual vehicles were only the shuttles of two lodgings, therefore we enjoyed a relaxed walk. As it was basically a downhill all the way which indicated going up the opposite direction might build up your fatigue.
I had a good idea of next visit this time, which is to stay at Nikkozawa and have a whole day hiking to Kinu Marsh and Moor. I would also like to stay in the Haccho-no-Yu log house. Coupling it with a bike ride up to Meotobuchi may be possible and exciting, too.
I told about my desire of a snow-walking to a friend of mine who is a mountaineering expert, and he made a plan to visit a hot spring deep beyond Nikko. I have refrained from climbing since I damaged my ligament a couple of years ago, therefore this was actually the first recovery trekking for me. We arrived at Kinugawa-Onsen station of Tobu-Nikko Line around 10:00 in the morning, and took a bus for Meotobuchi-Onsen. Further beyond, no cars are allowed except shuttle services for those staying at Haccho-no-yu or Kaniyu lodgings. Other visitors have to walk all the way, and we took the hiking road along the river. No real climbing but it will take about 2.5 hours to Kaniyu in the snow. It is least stressful as there are footsteps in the snow that you can simply follow. Our destination, Teshirozawa-Onsen, is further up with the altitude of almost 1500m to cost you some 40 minutes more of going up. Both of us once visited this area more than 40 years ago (individually), and everything looked totally different!
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Approaching Kinugawa-Onsen 左に男体山の山並み |
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Kawamata Lake 川俣湖 |
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Meotobuchi-Onsen Bus Terminal 女夫渕温泉のバス終点 |
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Such a mean behavior stealing a portion of interest from the guide display! 案内板の欲しい所を破り取った許しがたい輩の仕業 |
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Frozen Waterfall - 凍結滝 |
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八丁ノ湯 Haccho-no-Yu |
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手白沢温泉 Teshirozawa-Onsen |
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Indoor Bath - 内湯 |
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Outdoor Bath - 露天風呂 |
Teshirozawa-Onsen lodging was renovated 19 years ago that now looks more like a standard "ryokan" than a classic mountain lodge. The fee was somewhat expensive 14,500 Yen per night incl. 2 meals. We immediately took bath after arrival as our body was chilly enough in the long walk. The water in the tub was quite hot but good with sulfur smell. Outdoor bath wasn't hot as the outside temperature was below zero. The entire lodging was air-conditioned and it was rather hot while sleeping as I was sweating. It should be lowered to 16 degrees or so, or it would be nice if controllable in each room.
We departed around 9 in the next morning, and took the wider traffic road ("Rindo" = forrest road). The actual vehicles were only the shuttles of two lodgings, therefore we enjoyed a relaxed walk. As it was basically a downhill all the way which indicated going up the opposite direction might build up your fatigue.
I had a good idea of next visit this time, which is to stay at Nikkozawa and have a whole day hiking to Kinu Marsh and Moor. I would also like to stay in the Haccho-no-Yu log house. Coupling it with a bike ride up to Meotobuchi may be possible and exciting, too.
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