Monday, March 7, 2016

クイケンのマタイ - St. Matthew Passion by Kuijken


彼らの演奏は淡々とでも言うのか、ドラマチックな表現方向でこの曲を描いていないのは大会場という条件もあったからかも知れないが、慣れ親しんだ音楽を堅実に進行していくのは、際立っているという印象ではない声楽陣も同じだ。それでも所々で「ああ、良い音楽してるな」と感じさせるところがあって、特に休憩後の第2部では第2合奏とアルトによるレチタティーヴォとアリア"Können Tränen"は出色だったし、ピラトと民衆のやり取りとそこに挿入されるコラールの対比("Erbarme dich"の前)にどうしても感極まるのはバッハの作品構成の妙に他ならない。僕自身、この作品を歌うことにこれまで躊躇があるのは、平常心でこれらのコラールを歌う自信が持てないからでもある。

It may sound inappropriate if I say I felt happy listening to the Passion, but I could at least express my satisfaction of sharing this very story with the musicians. La Petite Bande (small indeed) led by Kuijken had a concert at Tokyo Opera City main hall on March 5, which was almost full.
I have not been particular about this group, and do not recall much excited with their recordings so far, but am still interested in this rare occasion to confirm how Kuijken would interpret St. Matthew Passion. If I may add a few more words, Harnoncourt was a much more close conductor to me who passed away the next day, and I regret the opportunity I missed a couple of years ago when he visited Japan for the last.

La Petite Bande did not paint the story in a dramatic style, and it could be partly due to the excessively large space for baroque ensemble, but they appeared confident and steady in proceeding the music they were familiar with. I had the same impression in the singers who were not outstanding from whichever angle, and at the same I had to admit I was agreeing to their having good “music playing” in several passages, especially in the second act after intermission: The recitativo and aria “Können Tränen” by the second alto and the second ensemble was superb, and the choral insertion before “Embarme dich” was tearful which was exactly Bach programmed in his music. I have been a bit hesitant singing Matthew by myself, and it is because I have no confidence singing these chorals without becoming over-sentimental.

The audience ovation was warm and cheerful after the performance, and as I continue clapping hands I felt the intimacy to this group curiously kept expanding around my heart.

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