Sunday, March 1, 2009

Eroica – ベートーヴェンの革命

BSハイビジョンで「英雄 - ベートーヴェンの革命」という映画にたまたま遭遇して、その演奏に引き込まれてそのまま最後まで聴き入ってしまった。作品は交響曲第三番「英雄」をパトロンの館で初めてリハーサルするという場面設定で、全曲演奏が続く中でストーリーが進行するのだが、何しろ演奏が非常に明晰で軽やかにメリハリがあって、弦合奏はあたかも室内楽のように旋律の絡み合いを際立たせて、フーガ的な部分はまるでバッハのように響く。管楽器の加わり方も含めエロイカがこんなに面白い構成だったのかと、とても新鮮な感動を覚えた。

This afternoon, I came across with Broadcast Satellite program titled “Eroica”, and I could not stop listening to this music. The movie plays the entire symphony of Beethoven’s Third with the plot of its first rehearsal in a patron’s mansion. The performance was extraordinary with brilliant articulations and the strings were more like a small chamber ensemble with the clarity of interacting melodies. The fugue-like passages were almost as if I was listening to Bach, and it was so refreshing to realize that Eroica had such an intersting structure.
Unfortunately, the end credit did not indicate the music performers, and I had to search in IMDB for the information using the actor's name, Ian Hart, as the keyword. I found it was a production by BBC for TV in 2003 but still could not reach the orchestra or the conductor, but the picture of DVD had the answer. It was so logical to find the name of John Eliot Gardiner. A revolutionary performance!

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