Friday, February 3, 2012

Crank Brothers Eggbeater 1 – 卵泡立て器という名のビンディング・ペダル

SPDペダルは何が良いかと長らく悩んでいたが、たまたまヤフオクで米国クランクブラザーズ社のEggbeater 4という面白いネーミングのペダルに遭遇した。MTB用と謳われていたせいかこれまでノーマークだったが、174gと軽量だし構造も独創的で興味を持った。世評も悪くない。でもそのオークションの結果は中古なのに2万円を超える高値に跳ね上がって行ったので驚いた。

あれこれ調べて見ると現行の後継モデルはEggbeater 11となっていて、米国では$300以上の値で取引されているようだった。eBayに時折中古の出品もあるので競りに参加してみた。ただ殆どの場合終了時間が時差の関係で午前3-5時頃が多く、$250くらいまでの予算でこちらが指値しておいても必ず誰かがその少し上で商品をかすめてしまう。そんなことを5-6回繰り返しているうちに、ペダルにそんな散財するというのも馬鹿らしく感じ始め、最下位モデルのEggbeater 1なら価格も競ることなく$40で手に入るし、重量は100g違うと言っても280g弱とそこそこの軽さだから、Crank Brothersという製品を試してみるならそれでも良いやと、米国に出かける友人に買ってきてもらうことにした。





Until recently I wasn’t aware of these strange-shape pedals partly because they were defined as MTB parts. As I understood that some people actually used them with roadracer bikes, I gradually got interested. I first tried to bid in eBay for used eggbeater 11 because the price in Japan was outrageously high, but it seemed my budget of around $250 was not enough as I kept losing bids 5 or 6 times. I got tired and felt the price was actually a little too much for my pedals, and thought their bottom-of-the-line eggbeater 4 would be sufficient if all what I want to find out first is its superiority of the design. So I paid $40 with no bids through a friend in USA.

Eggbeater was not SPD as sometimes defined. The size of the cleats is quite different, and it means that my two bikes share no compatibility. Depending on the result in the rides with eggbeater, the future direction should be set.

I used 6mm long skrews for fitting the creats with my shoes in place of 8mm ones used with Shimano SPD. That explains the new cleats are thinner, and the very first benefit I realized was the absence of the tap noise as I walked around, which was so comfortable.

It took me a few seconds to realize how to use 8mm alen key tool to fit the pedals to the cranks. You need to stick it in through the crank hole from the other size as shown in the picture. The instructions do not precisely explain how.

Then I went out for a ride, and when locking in, you don’t have to check the side of pedal surface because you have a chance to lock every 90 degrees of rotation. Once the pedal clicks in place, the position is quite firm while unlocking it was appallingly smooth, light and quiet. This first impression made me feel a step forward over Shimano.

1 comment:

fouchic said...

Here's the follow-up of this topic: