Sunday, July 21, 2013

嬬恋・草津白根・万座 - Touring Tsumagoi, Kusatsu-Shirane, Manza


さて、今年のツール・ド・草津が雪で流れてしまった友人を誘ってこのコースを走ることにした。実際に何といっても展望が楽しいツアーだった。初日の行程はわずか2時間で草津温泉入りとなる。北軽から羽根尾への旧道R146ダウンヒルは走行も快適で草津白根の見晴らしが印象的。1日目の登坂は長野原大津から草津温泉まで12km/標高差600m、これはそれなりに厳しい。2日目は華のツール・ド・草津ルートで白根アタックとなる。この高山ルートは素晴らしいのひと言。12.5km/標高差800mの本格的なコースだが長過ぎず、友人の場合は1時間弱、僕は1時間半弱で登る。斜度に起伏があるのでしばらくきつくてもちょっと息が抜けるところがあって助かるし、何よりも風景が最高の応援だ。僕は今年ずっと練習不足で体力ができておらず、しかも先月左足を痛めて完治できていないので、今回は軽量で34/30Tのローレシオが使えるBH Cristalでアタックを試みたのだが、経過時間はいかにも凡庸で気持ちが折れそうになっていた。そんな時、既にアタックを終えた友人が最後の展望台あたりまで降りてきてくれて、ラスト1マイルくらいを先導・併走してくれたのでどうにか完走できた。そんなわけで今回は白根山レストハウスからさらに先に進む万座温泉への往復は割愛することにした。ここは秋の紅葉期などなかなか良いルートだ。草津温泉への戻りは景色を満喫しながら20分ほどの爽快なダウンヒル、そしてその後もさらに万座鹿沢口まで長いダウンヒルが続き、途中見晴らしの開けたキャベツ畑から一望する浅間山に感激もひとしおだ。但し万座鹿沢口から嬬恋への登りは短いとは言えしっかりとヒルクライム、僕はクランクを踏みながら御殿場からの乙女峠を思い起こしていた。坂を登り切るとその先は有料道路へとつながるため自転車と歩行者は左に折れて北軽方面に行かなくてはならない。鎌原の無人料金ゲートはもうしばらく先なのでその近くまでは進んでも実害はない気もするのだが、分岐点にしっかり自動車専用の標識が出ていた。鬼押し出し、峰の茶屋に向かうこの鬼押しハイウェイは風景が素晴らしく、走ってみたい道路であることに間違いない。車を置いてある出発点まではだらだらと登り基調で、終盤に最後の力を振り絞る感じだった。2日目の行程は選ぶコース次第で4-6時間というところだろう。

Ropeway Station
Vista point further up
Winding road to Mt. Shirane

Overviewing Mt. Asama on way to Manza-Kazawaguchi

I've run around Kusatsu Onsen area a few times, and now have an idea of recommendable bike tour course. This route covers Tsumagoi, Kusatsu, Mt. Shirane and Manza with the total distance of 90km, but on the other hand the altitude gain reaches 2000m thus it's going to be a touch challenge for a day. In addition, if you leave Tokyo in the morning, the actual start will be in the afternoon. For a very slow hill climber like myself, the best arrangement is spending a night at Kusatsu Onsen to refresh for the next day. The choice of Tsumagoi as the start point is derived from the consideration of balancing location, distance, altitude, and one advantageous factor was the highway bus "Kira Kira" that brings you to 1130 Karuizawa terminal in this area from Tokyo or Yokohama. If you want more distance to run, you could start from Karuizawa that adds a long and exhausting uphill to Minenochaya, but I will be out of luck.

"Tour de Kusatsu" event in April was cancelled because of snow this year and the entry of a friend of mine was in vain. So I suggested him to join this 2-day tour instead. It was truly an exciting tour with magnificent sights. The first day is only 2-hour run to Kusatsu from Tsumagoi. Route 146 to Haneo is a very comfortable road with a long downhill and impressive view of Mt. Shirane. The climbing from Ohtsu to Kusatsu is a demanding 12km distance and 600m altitude gain. Tour de Kusatsu route is the highlight for the second day to attack Mt. Shirane: It is 12.5km distance with 800m gain that my friend can finish in less than an hour while I need almost 1.5 hours. I inherently hate hill climbs, but I kind of love this course because the steepness of the slope loosens a few times allowing us to breath, and the greatest cheer is unquestionably the mountain views! As I didn't do much exercise this year to date and also due to the recent damage in my left leg, I brought the light-weight BH Cristal with lowest 34/30T gears, but the time looked rather mediocre as I climb disappointingly. My friend who finished the attack sooner came back down to the point of about 1 mile more to the goal so that he can lead me and I did not give up thankfully. Such being the situation, we avoided further run to Manza Onsen back and forth on the day, but this portion should be great in the autumn with colorful trees. Back to Kusatsu Onsen is the long 20-minute downhill with gorgeous views that is followed by another long downhill further to Manza-Kazawaguchi. In the wide open cabbage farm, we could enjoy the beautiful Mt. Asama. The last part of this tour is a steep hill back to Tsumagoi that somehow reminded me of climbing Oteme Pass of Hakone from Gotenba. This particular road leads to the toll gate for Onioshi Highway or Japan Romantische Strasse prohibiting trespassers and bikes, thus we needed to turn to the left to go back to the start point where we left our car. Onioshi Highway is truly a beautiful route that I wish to run on bike once if possible. The second day will be a 4-to-6 hour run depending on how you arrange the course.

My data of Tour de Kusatsu route

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