Monday, March 26, 2018

善福寺川緑地の桜 - River Zenpukuji Ryokuchi for Cherry Blossoms


This spot is not known widely, so a relaxed sakura-watching is possible without struggling against the stream of packed people and you can easily find a space for opening your lunch-box. It's some 15 minutes' walk from Minami-Asagaya subway station.


Alternatively, without carrying your lunch-box, kind-of-niche boulangerie SONKA is nearby which I will introduce in my Mange-Où blog page.


I walked all the way from Minami-Asagaya to Eifukucho station of Inokashira Line the distance of which was about 5 km. Wadahori Park was on its way where I could see a couple of huge cherry trees but otherwise nothing spectacular there.

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