Friday, March 22, 2013

Run for training - 80kmトレーニング

Near Sakoh Bridge 酒匂橋付近
Spring is here and cherry blossoms are quickly blooming. So I jumped out for training. What I did today was to run to Odawara (<>40km away) to have quick lunch and get back. It was a splendid day today and would have been ideal for running if it were slightly less windy. I left home at 11:40 and took 1h52m/42km. The view of Mt. Fuji in front was great. I dropped in at Sakana Cuisine Ryo near Odawara station which was okay.

I saw a few foreigner rider groups as this Route 134 offers such a comfortable coast-line cruising.  The return trip hit 1h50m/44km including a detour to Azumayama to see how far sakura was blooming in the area. The time was better probably because the wind was less against on way back. BH Crista does a good job! Overall average speed was >23km/h.

Near Chigasaki 茅ヶ崎付近


今日は外人ライダーを2-3組見たが、この134号線は快適な海岸線クルーズが出来るのでお勧めだと思う。復路は吾妻山の麓付近に寄り道して桜の開花具合を見たりしたが、それでも1h50m/44kmとさらに速い帰還が出来たのは、恐らく風向きのせいだ。訳あって今日はBH Cristaだが、こいつは良い走りをしてくれるようだ。平均速度>23kmで上がり。

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