Tuesday, December 23, 2014

CXホイール - Fulcrum Racing 5CX

以前書いたようにOrbea Onixを少しクロス寄りにスタイルを変えてみるためのパーツが集まった。その中心がフルクラムの5CXホイールだ。これはシマノ・フリー用が英国のショップではどこも欠品で、国内のSanaから仕入れた。LGの表記も加わった2014年モデルの最新版で、1600g台の重量(公称1690g)に期待していたのだが、実測では50gオーバーだった。簡単に考えていた作業だが、これは結構難航した。

用意した2種類の28c幅タイヤから軽い方のGatorskinをまずフロントに履かせた。次に遙かに分厚いContact IIをリアにセットしてフレームに組んでみると、幅はOKなのだが直径が大きすぎてフレームに接触する。5気圧なら1点軽くこする程度だが、6気圧では完全にアウト。28cタイヤはロードレーサーフレームに合わないものがあると読んでいたので、それを実地検証するハメになった。仕方ないのでGatorskinをリアに移したが、これがリム高の差からなのかはめ込むのがなかなか大変、どうにか収めたものの空気が抜ける。どうもタイヤレバーで中のパナレーサーチューブをつついたらしく、もう一度バラしてパンク修理からやり直し何とか事なきを得る。このGatorskinですらフレームとのクリアランスはギリギリだった。そんなわけでフロントのタイヤは買い直しだが、ツアー仕様の25c選択肢コンチネンタルGrand Prix TourとパナレーサーのRace D Evo2から前者を選ぼうと思う。


A few months ago, I wrote about modifying my Onix road racer bike with slightly more CX flavor, and I have gathered the components the center of which are Fulcrum Racing 5CX wheels. Its version for Shimno cassette was unavailable in any net shops in Britain, and I ended up ordering them from Sana in Japan. The latest 2014 version carried the CX/LG mark on the rims. The setting was expected to be easy but it wasn’t actually.

I got 2 different kinds of 28c tires, and I first put the lighter Gatorskin in front. That was straightforward. Next, much heavier Contact II was installed in the rear wheel, but I found it touched the frame. I recalled that I had read about the possible size problem with 28c tires (and even 26c) in fitting with road racers. So the alternative is replacing Gatorskin from front to rear, but this time it was tough. The tire was very tight. It may be because of the difference of rim heights. I put everything in place, but the air didn't pump in. It looked like I touched the tube with the tire levers in the process. I had to start again from the scratch beginning with the repair of flat tube. In seeing Gatorskin in the rear, I recognized that it was eventually the wearable maximum for my Onix. An alternative 25c tire either Continental Grand Prix tour or Panaracer race D Evo2 needs to be ordered.

I then went out for a brief test run wearing the usual 23c Panaracer tire in front. The very first thing I noted with Fulcrum was its quietness. I did not hear the ratchet noise. The footwork got very mild by the mere change to Gatorskin tire. It feels reliably stable and therefore proably good in long tour rides.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

ハイレゾPCオーディオへ - Into High-Res PC Audio

PCオーディオという括りの中でハイレゾの存在感が高まっているので、そろそろ我が家でも腰を入れて環境整備を始めてみようかと考えた。これまではパイオニアのBDP-150という安物ブルーレイ・プレーヤーのフロントUSBスロットにメモリーカードを差し込んでファイル再生を試していただけだ。ここしばらく友人の同じ悩みにあれこれ付き合って検討の結果、彼はOPPOBDP-105を購入することに決めたが、こちらはそこまでの投資は難しいので息子のRME Fireface UCを巻き上げて、この年末で本格実験路線を走ることにした。
一般のPCオーディオはUSB-DACという製品を購入してPCUSBでつなぎ、オーディオシステムで再生するのだが、僕の場合はステレオ限定ではなくサラウンド音源も扱いたいので、選択肢がかなり限定される。一番シンプルな解法はHDMI出力がマルチチャンネル音声対応となった最新Mac miniAVアンプを直結することかなと想像しているが、我が家のiMacでは古くてその機能はないし、他のPCも、そしてオーディオ機器もHDMIは今もって未整備なので、結局ハードならOPPOプレーヤーしかないし、あとはソフトデコーダー・アプリ依存となる。

さて今回はまずケーブル。RMEの出力はバランスPhoneなのでPhone/RCA4本作る。早速オヤイデのサイトを覗いて、FurutechのプラグとAcross 750V2ケーブル3mを発注。ここまで凝る必要はないかと思いつつ、まあハイレゾだからと自己暗示するが、これで小1万の出費だ。ところがFurutechのプラグはボディが太すぎてRMEのユニットにはやや不適合だった。そのせいかどうかチャンネルアサインに不審な挙動などあり、他のケーブルを混ぜ込みでとにかく先に進む。RMEユニットはオーディオ・ラックの中に収めるので、PCとは5mUSBケーブルでつなぐ。これは安物で済ませた。


そこで次にAmarra 3.0に挑戦。このソフトはかなりポピュラーなはずなのだが、如何せんDFFファイルを読んでくれないのでその場で却下した。

気持ちが滅入る中、最後にAudirvana Plus 2.0。お試しは約2週間、大晦日までと告知される。UIはややマシな部類。DSD128マルチのファイルもすんなり読み込んでスイスイ再生する。拍子抜けするくらいだ。パソコンで他の作業をするとノイズが乗ったり、処理が一瞬遅れたりするが、ほぼ連続再生できている。

さて音質比較だが、2Lのテストベンチ・サイトで各種フォーマットの音源を取り込み、手元にあるディスクとも比較再生してみた。以下はTrondheim SolisteneDivertimentiでの試聴。因みに比較に使用したプレーヤーはCambridge AudioのAzur 650。

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

ロ短調ミサ曲演奏会 - Bach B-minor Mass Concert


I visited Vienna Hall of Fuchu City for the first time. It is a compact concert hall with the capacity of some 500 seats, but a magnificently tall pipe organ is installed in front. It is a rectangular box with relatively narrow width and there are no upper floors. The side walls have flexible panels of reflective and absorbent surfaces that can reversibly rotate enabling fine tuning of reverberation time.
I did not go there to listen but we had our own concert, Bach's B-minor mass. Singing on the stage, I thought the acoustic sounded dry but if you carefully listen, one can sense the subtle reflection of sound coming back. I wrote about Matthew Passion concert about 2.5 years ago, and I became strongly obsessed to sing with period instrument orchestra, and decided to join this Choeur de Chambre, but they had concluded to dissolve after Matthew. Some members strongly proposed to extend their activity once again, and I thus managed to squeeze myself in the real final concert. This project itself was a tough challenge for such a small amateur group, but the hall was busy with 85% full audience and the performance was successful. Our long effort paid off.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

iPhone 6Plus - 待望のカナ・キー入力

届きました、iPhone 6Plus!
11月上旬の予定が前倒しに先週早々アップルからの配送。早速使い始めると言っても、実はこのSIMフリー版に現用iPhone 4のマイクロSIMは使えないし、SB解約は更新月の年明けまでお預けなので、当面はiijmioの2GプリペイドSIMを入れて端末として使い始めるという算段だ。行く行くはmioふぉんにMNPするにしても、通常のスマホ契約みたいに巷のNTT無線ホットスポットを今までのようにただ乗りはできないので、月額200円のフレッツスポットも契約することにした。取り敢えず、メール、インターネット、facebookあたりがメイン用途になるが、この画面サイズはさすがに広くてスマホとは別世界だ。使い始めるともう元のサイズには戻れない。SIMフリーに動いたのは、スマホの毎月のコストを抑えたいことと併せて、海外旅行の度に万単位の通話料を徴収されたことが背中を押した。

6Plusにした背景はと言えば、携帯とタブレットの中間的な使い方を目指したからだ。初代iPadは日本語入力に絶望して早々に売り飛ばした。そうこうするうちにノートパソコンのこれまた初代MacBook Airのバッテリーが完全昇天した。スマホとノート両方を買い換えるのは荷が重かったので、6Plusで何とかやり繰りできないかと考えたわけだ。

iPhone 6Plus arrived from Apple! 
It was supposed to be in the beginning of November, but it came sooner early last week. It is a SIM-free version, and I actually need to wait until the expiry of current contract with Soft Bank end January because they will charge 10,000 Yen extra fee for cancellation in other months. So I bought a prepaid SIM (mainly for travelers) that allows 2G data transfers but no phone calls, and I will live with it for 3 months until I sign with IIJ mii-phone. This will serve in e-mails, internet browsing, Facebook, Skype or FaceTime calls (although the settings in Address Book for FaceTime appeared more tricky). This mobile will avoid excessive phone charges in my trips overseas as well.

I am particular when it comes to Japanese text input, detesting most-popular Roman keyboards. It was the sole reason why I gave up using iPad so quickly. In the meantime, the battery of my first-generation MacBook Air went completely dead, and my hope was this larger cellular would do both jobs in compromise. An enlightening fact is the use of external Bluetooth keyboard under IOS 8. Apples wireless keyboard seemed most dependable among limited choices of actually available products with JIS key layout, and its setting was simple and smooth by specifying the hardware keyboard and its mode under Control menu.
The response of cellular to key inputs is not quick enough, and the lack of some short-cut keys fails to make the job seamless, but at least my text writing became less stressful.
I am going to make a mobile stand for myself, and the paper mock-up in the picture is to confirm the right height and angle in the use. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Prologo C One.30 Saddle - プロロゴのカーボン・サドル

他にも普通には高すぎて買えないEggbeater 11ペダルを狙っていて、出物があったので自分の予算内の$185で入札してみたが$191でさらわれてしまった。

One of achievements in my trip to San Francisco was this Prologo C1.30 saddle. I found this in eBay and won it for a reasonable price, and it was actually a fairly good condition. This carbon saddle looks very stiff touching its surface, but I relied on a comment in the net that said rather flexible sitting on it. When the sitting angle is precisely fine tuned, it fits me well, and I tend to feel less stress than Prologo Choice. As I went through over 100km in Tour de Fuzz, I can say it is certified, and the immense achieved value is its lightness! And bib shorts are essential to wear.
Other than this, I have been looking for Eggbeater 11 pedals that I cannot afford normally, and I bid $185 within my budget for a used pair in eBay, but someone charged $191 to take them.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

SFMOMA iPhone Speaker - iPhone用スピーカー


SFMOMA is now closed for renovation until 2016, and when I stopped by at its museum shop in the airport, I found this item. The sound is boosted a little bit, but it conveniently sits both vertically and horizontally. I found it handy listening to KUSC classical music on our coffee table or bedside table. Alternative colors are red and blue. Price $7.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Le Tour de Fuzz 2014

どこのチームにも属さず、練習も余り好きじゃないのでレーシングより旅人でいたいと一匹狼で走るのだが、ロードレーサーのメカには目がない、そんな自分が初めて自転車イベントにエントリーすることに。友人に誘われて、サンフランシスコ郊外のサンタローザを起点にワインカントリーをブラリと巡る100kmツアー「Tour de Fuzz」に参加すべく、数年ぶりの米国に一週間ほど出かけてきた。この催しはレースではないので、自分なりの走り方で楽しめば良いとのこと、ツールにはもう一段上のグランフォンド級100マイルの部もあるのだが、現状では100キロが限度と考えた。エントリー数1000名以上のうち、100マイルに挑戦するのは100名弱。



100-mile group starts at 7a.m.
First rest stop @30km

Food/drinks offered
Line for the rest rooms

Preferably a traveler than a racer, not belonging to any team reluctant to do repeated exercises, and yet loving the mechanical aspect of road racer bikes, therefore I always run independently on my own and I have never joined bike races. This was the very first occasion for me to make an entry to a bike event, upon invitation from a friend of mine, to cruise around the wine country in Santa Rosa in the suburbs of San Francisco. Le Tour de Fuzz offers a 100km route that we join, and on top of it is a 100-mile challenge. Among total participants of over 1,000, less than 10% joined this granfondo-class challenge.

Actual impression of 30km or 50km was somehow more distant than what I used to feel in Japan, and I wondered why? There were relatively frequent shallow and small ups and downs that could cause me more fatigue for one thing, and less traffic signals forced me to maintain running longer distance for another. I am very slow climbing, and my partner tried to keep his pace with mine, but after the second rest stop I was far behind him and then my front wheel went flat at about 70km. I had spares but the tire lever tool was unfortunately in his saddle bag. I had to remove the tire and replace the tube by hand, which wasn’t panicking as I already experienced these procedures.

Looking around the people in racing costume, interesting was many of them had a small back mirror that was attached to their helmet or sunglasses. As for the road racers, most of them were American brand bikes and to the most part they looked gorgeous. I seldom saw Cervelo that was strange, on the other hand there were many Fuji. European brands seemed limited, too.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Hidden Handel – 仏ナイーヴ盤のAnn Hallenberg

大変質の高いアルバムです。ライナーノーツには「このアルバムにはヘンデルのオペラ及びオーケストラ作品の中で全くあるいはほとんど知られていない曲を扱っており、アリア12曲のうち9曲は初めての録音だ。ニ長調の行進曲HWV416もまた然り。アリアの多くは既存のオペラの挿入曲(=arie aggiunte)で、後日の舞台でソリストが異なることに対応したものだ。」と解説されています。

Quality recordings as expected. Alan Curtis and Ann Hallenberg are probably the most dependable coupling for Handel operas today. In the liner notes, it explains “The Handel arieas and orchestral pieces on this disc span a narrow spectrum from the comparatively unfamiliar to the practically unknown. Nine of the twelve arias are recorded here for the first time, as is the D-major March, HWV416. The arias are mostly arie aggiunte, composed for insertion in later performances of existing operas to accommodate a different cast of singers.”
A flow of comfortable Handel melodies is a true delight of Handel lovers. Ann Hallenberg's presentation of melismas is amazingly beautiful and I don't forget the first occasion I heard it in Mozart's C-minor mass in the video of 2008 Nobel price concert.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

我がバイク構想修正中 - My Bicycles Evolve

買い物で走行中、リア・シフターのラチェットが滑って変速が出来なくなった。これまで何度か見舞われているトラブルで、カンパChorus STIの心臓部の歯車が回転の弾みで位置ズレを起こすのが原因、レバーをローに押しすぎたかな。


まずBH Cristalだが、軽量パーツはこちらに集約してランニング・マシンとしての仕様を強化する。元々このフレームはパートナーが走る時のためという口実を大義に大枚を叩いたものだが、カミさんを含めロードを走りたいというパートナーは結局登場していないので、この際堂々と自分専用の細工を施してしまおうという決断だ。アルミホイールを抱いてシャープな風貌だったCristalが、ZIPPに変えた途端に戦闘的な雰囲気に一変した。これに将来はDi2を搭載したいと思っているのだが、何ら電動対応が施されていないフレームなのですべて外付けになるとBHに言われて今は引き気味になっている。その代わり、クランクをFC-9000にして、ブレーキはPlanet-XのCNCで妥協するなどすれば6kgに近い重量を目指すのはかなり現実的な話だと思う。サドルもPrologo C.one30を米国に確保してある。


While I was running for routine shopping, the ratchet in the STI control lever for the rear shifter went slipping to cause the derailleur stop functioning. I had encountered the same problem a few times in Campagnolo Chorus STI. Maybe I pushed the lever excessively. Well, I have to open it and reset the cum in place, then it may be a good opportunity to execute the plan I had been thinking…
That is to replace the controller parts between the two bikes I have: 11-speed goes to BH Cristal and 10-speed goes back to Orbea Onix.

The bike situation that I saw in my recent trip to Spain may have stimulated me to consider this because all the bikes I saw in the pilgrim road were MTB which was a totally difference scene from that in French Pyrenee. The road surface was indeed a definite problem for narrow road racer tires. I would at least like to couple my existing frame with some cyclocross tires logically. Ultimately, my two bikes could possibly have different focuses in their concept in order to cope with wider applications.

Firstly, BH Cristal will gather most of light-weight parts to enhance its character as the running machine. I obtained this BH frame originally for my partner just in case she joins biking, but so far she stays reluctant, therefore it may be time to assume this bike purely for myself now. When it is coupled with ZIPP wheels in place for sleek, aluminum Mavic, the mood became completely aggressive. I am thinking of Di2 installation in the future, but this Cristal frame has no provisions for Di2 according to BH, and everything has to be external, which distracts my motivation quite a bit. If I get FC-9000 cranks instead and compromise with Planet-X CNC brakes, the weight can be very close to 6kg realistically. I have Prologo C.one30 saddle waiting for my pick-up in US for this project.

In cotrast, Onix will be my daily-purpose bike and would serve for sort of cyclo-cross applications. For that, Fulcrum Racing 5CX wheels are in my shopping list. They may be heavy to drive in comparison with ZIPP, but Onix itself performs great in climbing, and I can still use Mavic wheels with CS-7900 cassette for road tours. Without having too exotic components with Onix, the damage when lost or stolen may be minimized. The 2008 frame is the last model of Onix carbon produced in their Spain factory, and that is one of reasons I cannot sell it out for something else.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

巡礼路フランス人の道を少し歩く - A Short Walk on the French Way




Sarria - the river fence with the symbol scallops

Portmarin - very relaxing

Albergue Ferramenteiro - huge dormitory

The most gorgeous signpost on the Way

Pilgrim road with Blessing above in the sky!

Fuente water for pilgrims on way to Palas de Rei

Church in Melide

Final destinatation

Mass for pilgrims

Sunday, June 8, 2014

西班牙歩きの旅#8 - Monforte de Lemos


到着した日はホテルで食事を取り、翌朝観光案内所に向けてさらに街の先に行ってみると、むしろそっちが街の中心部のようでお店が増えてきた。骨董機械時計のお店などは土産を買いにもう一度戻りたいほどだ。案内所はワインショップの奥にあって、あれこれ相談の結果一軒の地元Ribeira Sacraのワイナリーへの訪問をアレンジして、タクシー手配もしてもらい乗り場に向かった。ワイナリーはどこも10km先のシル川沿いなので歩いては行けないようだ。

ワイナリーAdega Algueiraは田舎の一軒家で、別棟でレストランも経営している。オーナーのFernando Gonzálezさんが出迎えてくれ、中で英語の案内ビデオとテイスティングで1時間少々という組立のようだ。タクシーは後で迎えに来てくれる手筈となる。しかし10種類ほどのワインを次々に試飲しながら質問や会話でだんだん盛り上がってきてFernandoさんの話にも熱が入る。「日照が良いのでビオが出来る。水はけの良い土壌はここではティエドラ(テロワール)じゃなくて、ピエドラと言うくらいでね。」元々銀行の仕事をしていたのを辞めてワイン造りに入った気骨あるガリシア人で、ローマ時代からの伝統製法を踏襲し、樽は地元のガリシア・オークに拘ったりもすると言っていた。僕らはどうしてもワイン畑が見たいのでそう申し出ると、それは川から標高差最大500mの急斜面に一面段々畑を作っているので車で送ってあげるからその先歩いてご覧ということになった。表に出るとちょうどタクシーが頃合いを見て迎えに来たところで、訳を説明して迎車をさらに1時間遅らせてもらうことにした。確かに日当たりの良いシル川の南斜面は見事に全面段々の葡萄畑となっていて、ここまでの開墾や斜面での手入れ・収穫など大変な作業だと思った。(5月13日)

A sideway here was another Camino with St. Jacques! ここにも巡礼路!
The reason why we went off the Camino route was simply because we could not book a night at the popular Cebreiro Pass. I was worried to walk further to burden my knee, and started investigating detours. Then I found Sarria was accessible from north and south where is more than 100km away from Santiago enabling the Credential. Looking into the south route along Ria Sil instead of the north via Lugo, there was a city called Monforte de Lemos before Ourence where a palador was conveniently located near the station and if we go further sounth into the mountains across the river, a well-reputed lodge and some trekking courses existed, and all this sounded totally exciting. Also, the palador was actually affordable, and I obtained the consent from my partner about this alternative plan.

The train ride from Astorga was 2.5 hours, and nothing active in front of Monforte station: It looked almost like a deserted country town. There were no taxis but we anyway planned walking. The palador was on a hill with nearly 100m elevation, so one should expect some effort to make. There will be practically no others to visit the palador on foot. It was again a renovated, old monastery into a nice and calm lodging with the view of surroundings. For two days, we had a wondeful time thanks to the hospitality and friendly conversation with Rocio in the front desk and Vanessa in the restaurant.

We dined in the palador the night we arrived, which was nice. Next morning, we went to the tourist information further ahead, and this direction was actually the center of the town with more shops around. We were so interested in an antique clock store that we really hoped to come back here again to buy one. The information was side by side with a wine store, and we discussed with the staff the possible attractions to conclude in the end a winery tour in Ribeira Sacra arranging a taxi transportation in order. All wineries were along Ria Sil and the distance of 10 miles did not look practical for walking. So we went to the taxi stop.

Adega Alguera looked like a house, and they had another house serving as their restaurant. The owner, Fernando González, greeted us and the tour course was basically showing a guide video in English followed by some tasting for about an hour. As we go on the tasting of 10 different wines, all of us got more passionate through the converstion and questions/answers. “Sufficient sunshine allows bio here. And the soil is realtively dry, so we rather call it piedra here instead of tiedra (terroir)”, says Fernando. He used to be a banker before and turned into a wine maker, a stuborn Galician, stressing that they maintain the tradition of Roman wine-making methods and some of their barrels use local Galician oak. We appealed to him that we were interested in seeing the actual vineyards, and he offered a ride to the area near the river allowing us some walk there. In the meantime, the taxi came back to pick us up, and we explained and asked the driver to delay our pick up once again. The landscape of the slope up from Ria Sil was all vineyards in small incremental steps entirely under the sun which was wonderful. On the other hand, cultivating this land and continuing the care and the harvest seemed a real hard work.

西班牙歩きの旅#7 - Astorga




We took bus at 8:30 in the morning for Astorga from Leon. Knowing that Gaudi’s Episcopal Palace was closed on Monday, our plan in Astorga was to stay in town until 14:00 train heading south off the Camino for a while.
Sitting next to Gaudi’s Palace was Cathedral which is worth visiting, too. It was built in the ages of Renaissance to Baroque, and not so large but beautifully finished inside.

In Burgos, I bought some cough drops but they did not help much to improve the problem of my throat and running nose, and I thought I should go get some pills in a pharmacy. I explained my symptom, and the staff were kind enough confirming my alergy and medical status before arranging medicine for the cold. I also managed to get some sleeping pills.