Tuesday, August 11, 2009

鎌倉花火の日 - Day for Kamakura Fireworks

昨日は鎌倉花火の予定で、手ぐすね引いて待っていたら朝から大雨で早々と中止が決定された。午後からは雨も止んでいたが仕方ない。花火の撮影には欠かせない三脚も少し持ち運びやすいものを買おうと思って、あれこれお店で見比べていたが、マンフロットのmodo maxi 785Bという製品を見てほとんど衝動的にそれを選んだ。若干柔な感があるのと雲台にぐらつきがあるので精巧な製品とは言えないだろう。それでもこの軽さとこれまでのものとまるで違う操作性が魅力だと思う。

Last night there were supposed to be fireworks in Kamakura that I was waiting for, but it was poring rain from the morning and they quickly decided the cancellation. The rain actually stopped in the afternoon in vain. I had visited a camera store to prepare a new tripod for this event. I wanted one that is more convenient to carry around. In examining various products, I bought Manfrotto’s modo maxi 785B by almost a sudden impulse just in a glance of it. It looked a little less steady and the platform was loose with too much play that means the product was not meant to be a craft of real precision, but its lightness and the completely different operating mechanism were attractive enough.

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