Sunday, August 30, 2009

ダフニスとクロエ - Daphnis et Chloé

鎌倉の美術館でシャガールの「ダフニスとクロエ」を見て以来、その画集はないかと捜していたのだが、岩波のものが古書で高額取引されているだけだと判った。結局英語版を米国から買うことにしたが、最近日本で入手難のアイテムをこうした形で海外発注することが多い。Amazonサイトで見た書店から$3.83、送料込み$12.81で届いたのだから文句の付け所がない。この物語は世界最古のHow to Sex教則本みたいなお伽話なのでその詳細を活字で読む読まないは二の次、あくまでも42枚のシャガールのリトグラフ集を手元に置けるのが有り難い。

Since I saw “Daphnis and Chloe” in Kamakura Museum, I was looking for a book copy of this Chagall's work to consequently realize that the old issue by Iwanami Publishing could be traded in used bookstores at a premium price locally. My decision was to import an American edition in this case again. I repeat such procedures recently quite often for things difficult or costly to get in Japan. It was $3.83 at a bookstore in Amazon and the total charge including delivery was $12.81 therefore nothing to complain. In addition, I do not care much about the story to read because this pastoral tale is something like the world’s most ancient textbook discussing how to sex, and my only concern was to have 42 lithographs by Chagall handy.

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