Wednesday, November 24, 2010

iPadのOSアップデート - Updating iPad's Software


さて、マルチタスクはどうやればいいのか直観的には判らないので、まずはAir Print機能で印刷をやってみよう。あれれ、プリンタがないと言っているぞ。ネットで情報を当たってみて驚いた。使えるプリンタがePrint対応とかでHPの数機種のみとのこと。アップルのサイトではいかにもすぐに使えそうなことしか謳っていないし、AirMacにつないだプリンタは当然認識するものと信じていた。そこで辿り着いたのがAirPrint Hactivatorなるツールだ。このインストールもすんなりとは進まなかったし、晴れて印刷命令を発することもできたが、印刷完了までの時間がこれまた「固まったか」と思うくらい長かった。これで本当に使えると言えるだろうか・・・

Just before going to bed late last night, I saw the news of IOS 4.2 update. Waking up at 6:00, the first thing I did was the download. The progress looked rather slow, and I watched it wondering if it was because of the CPU. Then iTunes indicated iPad could be removed as the synchronization was done, and iPad rebooted itself, but it stayed in the booting screen as if frozen. I tried resetting it a few times, with and without connecting it to my iMac, and I realized that it was taking awfully a long time to read the photos in my iPad. In the meantime, iMac's TimeMachine started the backup in the background, so I decided to leave it for a while.
Returning on the machines, I had to reset iPad a few times because iMac popped a warning of synchronization cancellation and also in the first desktop menu my iPad arrived at it did not respond to the touches to the applications except fading the icons. It was past 8:30 when this update was finally completed.

I did not understand how I could take advantage of multi-tasking by a glance, so I thought I would try printing first using AirPrint function. But, gee, it says printer is not found. Checking the info in the net, surprisingly, the function only supports ePrint-capable products, perhaps 3 models by HP only now. I had believed that the printer connected to AirMac or TimeCapsule would be recognized automatically. The interim solution I found was “AirPort Hactivator”. This installations was not equally but still painful and the time it took until the document to be printed was way too long, and seriously I thought it hang up again. I am not sure this is workable as it is…

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