Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Eggbeater Triple Ti – 続・卵泡立て器という名のビンディング・ペダル

僕はEggbeater 1を使ってみて、この特殊形状のペダルが気に入ったので、もう一台の自転車もビンディングを統一しなくてはと考えていた。


I won Eggbeater 3Ti pedals in eBay bids the other day. The cost was not cheap for the used product, but considering the price of their top-of-the-line model, this may be the logical decision for a realist. I did not know about this model in detail, but this seems like the second top model in their older line-up. The only noticeable difference compared to 4Ti was the spindle, but the weight is more or less the same 170g approximately. I am a happy user of CB’s unique pedals, namely Eggbeater 1 right now, and needed another pair for my second bike.
There are some people who are not so happy with Eggbeater though. I should note 2 points with caution: Firstly, because the area to support the shoe is so small, the rebound of your big stomp on the crank, particularly in hill climbs for example, will not be distributed to wider area of the sole and consequently kicks back your foot. In my case, I only put small loads on pedals as a mediocre rider, and I don’t sense such rebounds luckily.
Another issue is more serious because there were a few people who said that the spindle broke in 2 pieces. Someone wrote that he was lucky as he was not running in high speed, but it is still dangerous. If you put your bike in an exacting condition with heavy loads and in MTB situation, a more precise care may be necessary. Crank Brothers manages well-organized maintenance kits recommending periodic overhawls, and I don’t worry much myself. A good reference about maintenace shown below:

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

ガーディナーの新譜モテット集 - Bach's Motets by Gardiner


The new release of Gardiner and Monteverdi Choir arrived from UK. It is Motets by Bach, and the recording of their London concert last October. In the liner notes, Gardiner writes "by the time I was eleven or twelve I knew the treble parts of all of them more or less by heart", and I thought that was the very environment that made him grow successfully.
As for me, these motets are not so familiar except longer BWV 225 and 227. Without the accompaniment of full orchestra, the music tends to remain as Chorus repertoire. Gardiner continues to remind "Bach expected all his pupils to sing and to master" and concludes "the most perfect, and in some ways the most hypnotic, set amongst his works."
I have a CD by Junghänel which is sung in OVPP therefore more like intimate chamber music. In contrast, Gardiner is smoother and silky. If listened in live, this performance must have been undoubtedly touching with Monteverdi Choir's precisely controlled singing in every detail. The chorus can transmit such an immense power.

Friday, May 18, 2012

雲取山トレッキング – Trek to Mt. Kumotori


Photo 1: 廃屋/abandoned house

 2: 登山道/mountain road

3: 斜面の鹿/deer watching us

4: 新緑と山桜/freshly growing greens and wild cherry trees

 5: 満開の山桜/cherry tree in full bloom

 6: ヘリポートを振り返る/looking back the heliport

7: 七ツ石山を臨む/overviewing Mt. Nanatsuishi

8: 急斜面/steep slope

9: 頂上付近から/view from a point close to the summit

10: 山頂/the peak sign

This week, I climbed Mt. Kumotori, the highest in Tokyo. A friend of mine drove me to Kamosawa along Lake Okutama, and took a narrow for Kosode. We arrived at a large parking area soon. This eliminated the possible long walk from the bus stop which was nice. The route we chose was rather long to the summit but least steepy, and it should be right for my suffering knee. Resultant 4 hours uphill plus 3 hours downhill was too good job for me, but my right foot was weakly aching in the very end.
Going up for 20 minutes or so, we saw an abandoned house. Further up, we enjoyed seeing wild cherry trees in a few places, and the petals were falling. The road became steeper and then came the point where the road split into two branches. To the right, it goes through Mt. Nakatsuishi, and to the left bypassing directly to Mt. Kumotori. Since Mt. Nanatsuishi is further 500m up, I automatically chose the latter to save my energy and thought we might try this mountain on our way back.
The rest, it was comfortable trekking rather than climbing for the most part, and the last cherry tree we saw was timely in full bloom. We passed through an emergency heliport and then a wooden cabin. I heard that there were some mountain bike riders who carry their bikes up here to Mt. Kumotori for a serious downhill, and I felt it insane, but on the other hand this mild slope and relatively wide road might be exceptionally suited for their purpose, I presumed. An even more gorgeous plan may be to fly to the heliport and start climbing from there, which must be more fun.
The last 1 km to the summit was more like a climbing, but even so the cabin at the summit is already in noticeably short distance, therefore it is an easy trekking pulling out your effort. You can stay in the cabin overnight if you have a sleeping bag, but its toilet was miserable and I thought it was shameful. Our Prince won’t visit here any more? This summit is the border of Tokyo, Saitama and Yamanashi prefectures, and if they collaborate, they could surely deal with the issue.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

星野リゾート - Hoshino Resort Area







白根山 - Tour de Kusatsu Route


Early morning, 8th of May, I left my room for a hill-climb running to Mt. Shirane as far as I could make. Because of the sudden weather change with rain and thunders half day before, the wet road was a part of my worry. There was little traffic before 8 in the morning comfortably, and the ropeway station that I had challenged last time was fairly easy to reach, but the load actually accumulated going beyond. I passed points with magnificent views, but I was too busy with the pedals to pay attention on the landscape. As the altitude escalated, it became too cold to continue, and I had to pause once to put on my windbreaker, and then later once again to have nutrition gel drink. A non-stop hill-climb is not really my goal. I kept pedaling exhaustedly in the end.
It took me 1 hour 27 minutes to reach the summit that virtually ranks me 63rd of total 71 participants of the age group of 60’s in the last year’s Tour de Kusatsu hill climb event. Being less serious rider, I felt happy with the average speed of 8.4km/h.

草津の山桜 - Cherry Trees in Kusatsu


May 7th: A relaxing day with nice weather and I walked around watching local, pink-color Yamazakura cherry blossoms in Kusatsu Hotsprings. They bloom late this year.

ぶらり各駅停車の輪行 - Bike in Slow Train

I packed the bike and took 11:45 train for Komoro in the direction for Karuizawa. I managed to get a single seat by the window that allowed placing my bike without distrubing other passengers. I opened the “Kamameshi” bento lunch that I bought at the station, but I saw the sun was back in the sky and the road was dry as we approached to Nobeyama station. I wondered for a moment if I should get off to restart running, but the lunch was already in front of me. The conclusion was to give up running, which was actually right. 


時間はたっぷりあったので佐久平では下車せず、この列車で終点の小諸まで行って、在来線のしなの鉄道に乗り換え軽井沢に行った。 地方の鈍行は大体ガラガラ列車なので輪行にはうってつけだ。自転車はドア横の客席を確保して空きスペースにうまく滑り込ませた。
I did not get off at Sakudaira because I had plenty of time, and instead I transferred at terminal Komoro to local Sinano Railway train for Karuizawa. Local trains tend not to be packed by passengers, which is good for bike carriers. I got a seat next to the cart door securing my bike in the space behind.

At Karuizawa station, there was an exhibition of Norio Ohga, late Sony Chairman, showing some of his belongings, so I watched around the booth. As I had been told that Spa Resort Liner bus (1,000 Yen) was fully booked, I took the local bus (2,200 Yen) for Kusatsu, and interestingly enough, I was the only passenger in the bus for most of the part.

The route of the bus includes Shiraito no Taki Fall, Mine no Chaya, Kita-Karuizawa and Haneo: The road is named Nihon Romantic Way, and the view of Mt. Shirane on the way to Kusatsu is impressive and it looks like an enjoyable road to run.

小海沿線を走る - Run along Koumi Line


最初は小海線の下を並行して清里まで走ろうと思っていたのだが、折角なら八ヶ岳高原道路という昔は有料道路だったルートも起伏が少なくて眺めも良いからと、そちらを走ってみることにしたので、小淵沢駅より少し上にある道の駅でドリンク類を補給し、ここから登坂開始。天候はパッとしない曇り空だったが、すぐに雨がパラつき始めた。 しばらく登って森の駅を過ぎると道が少し平坦になって脚休めできる。しかし清里まではいずれにしても登り基調の行程と考えた方がよい。




The plan for the second day was to run from Kobuchizawa to Saku along Koumi Line, and then Karuizawa to Kusatsu by bus. In order to get the last bus at 16:30, I need to arrive at Sakudaira sufficiently before 15:50 Shinkansen train. This should be manageable considering the hill climb is limited to the first 20km with only 500 meters in altitude.
I had thought of taking the lower road to Kiyosato, but another suggestion was to take Yatsugatake Highland Road without many ups and downs while offering great views. So I went to Michi no Eki (Station on road) that was located slightly upper than Kobuchizawa train station. I bought a couple of bottled beverage there and started climbing. The weather was truly cloudy, but it started raining soon. Passing by Mori no Eki (Forrest station), the road got flat for a while but Kiyosato was in the ascending direction anyway basically.
While the rain coming and going, I heard thunders in addition far away, and they sounded following me in the back. The rain got stronger and I had to put my rain wear on. At the crossing of Mt. Tennyo, I could take the right road down to Kai-Oizumi station, but I felt like continuing at least up to Kiyosato which must be only a few more kilometers away.
Despite the last day of Golden Week holidays, this road was almost empty, and it was good for bike runners (although I met only one). The weather was not inviting the views around, but I arrived at a vista point called Makiba Park.
The Highland Road joins in the end with R141 going forward, but I thought there was not much point in running further in this weather along Koumi Line, and decided to descend to Kiyosato Station. This downhill was exactly straight and my bike exceeded 60km/h in velocity going down, which was exciting. At the station, an old locomotive was displayed, so I took a shot of it with my bike side by side.
The gain of Day 2: 1h35m in time, 18.3km in distance and 630m in altitude.


松姫峠越え - Matsuhime Pass

こどもの日、5月5日はロングライド・ツアーの初日、輪行で奥多摩に向かったが青梅線はラッシュアワー並みの混雑で、さすがゴールデンウィークという感じ。 パートナーは前日出張帰りの時差ボケ状態なので日帰りプランたが、私にとっては獲得標高1000m級の初チャレンジなので、勇気をもらえる先導役は不可欠な存在。その彼とは小河内ダムで合流の予定だ。奥多摩駅には8時半に到着。焦らずおもむろに自転車を組み始めていると、後続の電車で到着したライダー2名が同じように傍で輪行袋を広げて作業を始めた。

駅から奥多摩湖までもじわじわと登りが続く道なので楽ではないが、到着するとパートナーは既にお待ちかね。小休止もそこそこに出発したが、ほどなく後輪が異音を発し始めたと思うと、「パーン」とけたたましい音でパンク!初めての経験だが、実は前日パートナーとメールでやり取りしていて、少し荷を軽くしたいのでポ ンプやパンク補修セットなどを置いて行きたいくらいだと言ったら、スペアチューブ2本は絶対外せないと意見された。パンクは長さで数cmくらいチューブが裂けていたバーストパンクで、即チューブ交換となる。やはり事故はいつ何時起こるかわからないものなんだ!

松姫峠は頂上までのアプローチが長く、小菅村を過ぎてからの本格的な登坂路は僕には厳しい道程となった。途中、ロープを峡谷の対岸からこちらまで張って、そこにたくさんの鯉を吊るして泳がせる大掛かりな鯉のぼりがあった。 ちょっと停車して写真を撮るくらいの休憩でも脚がぐっと軽くなる。




On May 5 (Children’s Day) in the Golden Week holidays, I started my long tour and headed for Okutama by train carrying my bike. The train was packed like rush hour. This was my first attempt to climb 1000 meters on my bike and a reliable partner was essential for this tour whom I was to meet at Ogouchi dam.
The road to Lake Okutama from the station ascends gradually and therefore it was not an easy run, and once we got together we restarted running along the lake to the west.
After a couple of kilometers, I heard some noise from my rear tire and then followed was a blast! It was the puncture for the time in the long ride. We actually communicated the night before about getting rid of the pump and other things to reduce the weight of my stuff to which my partner replied that a couple of spare tubes were essentially vital, and he was right.
Matsuhime Pass had a long approach and its slope got even steeper after Kosuge Village. The view of “Koinobori” (Carp in the sky, celebrating boys for this Day) was magnificent with the rope extended across the valley.
It took me about 2.5 hours to the summit, ascending very slowly with exhaution, and I was some 20 minutes behind my partner. There was no facility on the Pass but the view of mountains in layers was great, and we could even see Mt. Fuji!
We carried on R139 downward for Ohtsuki, but the road was rather aged and bumpy with many sharp hairpin curves preventing an exhilarating downhill run. The condition of the road improved as we got close to Fukashiro dam.
At the point where the road separates, one for Uenohara and the other for Ohtsuki, we said goodbye to each other and my partner headed back home. My road started ascending again and it was mentally discouraging. It took me 90 minutes to get to Ohtsuki Station from the summit. We thought of a plan running upto Katsunuma, the wine village, but Sasago Tunnel was extremely ill famed among bike riders and I had no intention risking my own life for a tunnel! So I packed my bike again and took a local train for Kobuchizawa and stayed at my relative’s house in Hakushu.
The gain of the day was 54km in distance.