Thursday, May 10, 2012

松姫峠越え - Matsuhime Pass

こどもの日、5月5日はロングライド・ツアーの初日、輪行で奥多摩に向かったが青梅線はラッシュアワー並みの混雑で、さすがゴールデンウィークという感じ。 パートナーは前日出張帰りの時差ボケ状態なので日帰りプランたが、私にとっては獲得標高1000m級の初チャレンジなので、勇気をもらえる先導役は不可欠な存在。その彼とは小河内ダムで合流の予定だ。奥多摩駅には8時半に到着。焦らずおもむろに自転車を組み始めていると、後続の電車で到着したライダー2名が同じように傍で輪行袋を広げて作業を始めた。

駅から奥多摩湖までもじわじわと登りが続く道なので楽ではないが、到着するとパートナーは既にお待ちかね。小休止もそこそこに出発したが、ほどなく後輪が異音を発し始めたと思うと、「パーン」とけたたましい音でパンク!初めての経験だが、実は前日パートナーとメールでやり取りしていて、少し荷を軽くしたいのでポ ンプやパンク補修セットなどを置いて行きたいくらいだと言ったら、スペアチューブ2本は絶対外せないと意見された。パンクは長さで数cmくらいチューブが裂けていたバーストパンクで、即チューブ交換となる。やはり事故はいつ何時起こるかわからないものなんだ!

松姫峠は頂上までのアプローチが長く、小菅村を過ぎてからの本格的な登坂路は僕には厳しい道程となった。途中、ロープを峡谷の対岸からこちらまで張って、そこにたくさんの鯉を吊るして泳がせる大掛かりな鯉のぼりがあった。 ちょっと停車して写真を撮るくらいの休憩でも脚がぐっと軽くなる。




On May 5 (Children’s Day) in the Golden Week holidays, I started my long tour and headed for Okutama by train carrying my bike. The train was packed like rush hour. This was my first attempt to climb 1000 meters on my bike and a reliable partner was essential for this tour whom I was to meet at Ogouchi dam.
The road to Lake Okutama from the station ascends gradually and therefore it was not an easy run, and once we got together we restarted running along the lake to the west.
After a couple of kilometers, I heard some noise from my rear tire and then followed was a blast! It was the puncture for the time in the long ride. We actually communicated the night before about getting rid of the pump and other things to reduce the weight of my stuff to which my partner replied that a couple of spare tubes were essentially vital, and he was right.
Matsuhime Pass had a long approach and its slope got even steeper after Kosuge Village. The view of “Koinobori” (Carp in the sky, celebrating boys for this Day) was magnificent with the rope extended across the valley.
It took me about 2.5 hours to the summit, ascending very slowly with exhaution, and I was some 20 minutes behind my partner. There was no facility on the Pass but the view of mountains in layers was great, and we could even see Mt. Fuji!
We carried on R139 downward for Ohtsuki, but the road was rather aged and bumpy with many sharp hairpin curves preventing an exhilarating downhill run. The condition of the road improved as we got close to Fukashiro dam.
At the point where the road separates, one for Uenohara and the other for Ohtsuki, we said goodbye to each other and my partner headed back home. My road started ascending again and it was mentally discouraging. It took me 90 minutes to get to Ohtsuki Station from the summit. We thought of a plan running upto Katsunuma, the wine village, but Sasago Tunnel was extremely ill famed among bike riders and I had no intention risking my own life for a tunnel! So I packed my bike again and took a local train for Kobuchizawa and stayed at my relative’s house in Hakushu.
The gain of the day was 54km in distance.

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