Thursday, May 10, 2012

ぶらり各駅停車の輪行 - Bike in Slow Train

I packed the bike and took 11:45 train for Komoro in the direction for Karuizawa. I managed to get a single seat by the window that allowed placing my bike without distrubing other passengers. I opened the “Kamameshi” bento lunch that I bought at the station, but I saw the sun was back in the sky and the road was dry as we approached to Nobeyama station. I wondered for a moment if I should get off to restart running, but the lunch was already in front of me. The conclusion was to give up running, which was actually right. 


時間はたっぷりあったので佐久平では下車せず、この列車で終点の小諸まで行って、在来線のしなの鉄道に乗り換え軽井沢に行った。 地方の鈍行は大体ガラガラ列車なので輪行にはうってつけだ。自転車はドア横の客席を確保して空きスペースにうまく滑り込ませた。
I did not get off at Sakudaira because I had plenty of time, and instead I transferred at terminal Komoro to local Sinano Railway train for Karuizawa. Local trains tend not to be packed by passengers, which is good for bike carriers. I got a seat next to the cart door securing my bike in the space behind.

At Karuizawa station, there was an exhibition of Norio Ohga, late Sony Chairman, showing some of his belongings, so I watched around the booth. As I had been told that Spa Resort Liner bus (1,000 Yen) was fully booked, I took the local bus (2,200 Yen) for Kusatsu, and interestingly enough, I was the only passenger in the bus for most of the part.

The route of the bus includes Shiraito no Taki Fall, Mine no Chaya, Kita-Karuizawa and Haneo: The road is named Nihon Romantic Way, and the view of Mt. Shirane on the way to Kusatsu is impressive and it looks like an enjoyable road to run.

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