Thursday, June 4, 2009

My bicycle - 自転車のこと


その後釜の自転車もすでに20年近い年期ものだ。再整備に当たっていくつかの買い物をした。まずはリムを掃除するための剥離剤として強力ロックリムーバー、リムセメント、そして新しいチューブラーは手頃な価格のVittoriaラリー21、ついでに携帯電話対策としてPlantronics 665ブルートゥース・ハンズフリーセットもこの際手に入れた。まだこれからだがヘルメット、スタンドなどを物色中だ。それにしても自転車パーツなど環境も大きく変わっているのを実感する。

I spent my money for the camera and it forced me to give up my idea of buying a new cross-bike. I pulled out my old road-racer from the warehouse in Tokyo and packed it in a bag to carry in the train. Unlike old days, the bike charge has been abandoned. I am actually a long-time freak of bike since my elementary school days assembling and disassembling my bike, and as a salaried-man I used to run a Katakura Silk road-racer, the most well-known Japanese professional bicycle brand in those days, for 22-23 minutes to commute to Mitaka which would take 50 minutes or so by a couple of bus rides alternatively. This road-racer was trashed when I failed in a sharp cornering of downhill in Nasu Highland.
The replacement bike is already almost 20 years old, and I got a few things for retuning and preparation: a paint remover to clean the rims, a couple of affordable Vittoria Rally 21 tubular tires, and in this occasion a Bluetooth hands-free set of Plantronics 665 to do with the mobile. A helmet and a bike stand are in consideration.

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