Monday, May 24, 2010

加藤登紀子 iTunes Originals – Tokiko Kato

加藤登紀子のレパートリー20曲とそれぞれの曲に纏わるエピソードを彼女自身が披露するiTunesオリジナルのスペシャル・アルバムをiTunes Storeで見つけた。学生時代から決してうまい歌い手とは言えない彼女が、デビュー後も順風満帆に歌手経歴を発展させていたことがあの頃の僕には不可思議だった。メジャーではないシャンソンなどのジャンルを地道に続け、底辺で生きる人々と共感する独特の語りかけるようなお登紀節を確立していくまでには、多分旦那の藤本敏夫氏の存在が大きかったのではないかと思う。

I came across with this special album in iTunes Store that compiles 20 songs in her repertoire and she talks an episode related to each one. Tokiko was not exactly an excellent singer as a university student, but her career kept growing most smoothly after her debut, and it was for me quite difficult to understand at that time.
She kept her track on rather minor genres such as chansons and gradually established her own style of singing as if talking that enabled her to share the sentiment with people living the mediocre life. I think she greatly depended on the presence of her late husband, Mr. Toshio Fujimoto for it. Entire listening of the album requires more than 2 hours, but it is like a journey looking back the history of “Otoki-san”. A quite pleasing project collecting her much-loved songs rich with pathos!

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