Tuesday, January 25, 2011

iPhone 4

2年間使ったスマートフォンをiPhone 4に替えた。そもそもかな入力派の僕にはQWERT配列のローマ字入力キーボードは全く不向きだったので、待ち望んだようやくの機種変更ということだ。これでiPodは要らなくなるし、もしかしたらiPadも含めて身辺整理できるかもしれない。iPhoneは日本独自の携帯文化とは機能的に一致しないところも多いと思うが、僕の場合それは支障にならない。
まずは非光沢のスクリーン保護シートを貼って、今ケースをあれこれ品定め中だが、やや値の張るIncase Snapというハードシェルで行こうと思う。


続いてメールだが、Mobile Meに連動するアップルのメールと他サーバーのメールでは振る舞いが違うようで、今ひとつハンドリングが理解できない。例えばメールを削除しようとしても、「ゴミ箱へ移動ができない」との警告が出る。そのくせ受信ボックスからは消えている。さらにiPhoneの受信箱はホームのパソコン側でのメールの処理に影響されるように感じたが、これはもう少し細かく振る舞いを観察する必要がある。

I replaced my mobile to iPhone 4 from a smart phone that I had used last 2 years. Its QWERT keyboard was actually the pain because I am a user of rather minor Japanese kana keyboard, so I was really looking forward to the new iPhone. From now I don’t need my iPod any more, and I might be able to get rid of my iPad for even simpler life.
I put a non-glare film for display protection first of all, and now look into the numerous cases to choose: I am inclined to get an Incase Snap hardshell despite its relatively high price.

The first trouble I encountered was the earphones, and I will write about it separately. The next was Address Book. The individual data lined up properly in the application itself but when I accessed from the phone call screen for a search, they line up in the order of names instead of surnames. It looked hopeless but I entered in the Settings to change the order of "surname>name" and reset it back again, then this problem went away though I was not 100% happy as I didn’t understand why. I installed a utility application called Connexions that allowed creating group folders for Address Book, which is a must-have for me.

The third is Mail. The behavior seems different between Apple’s Mobile Me mails and other server’s mails, and I still don’t understand the mechanism. For example, when I try to delete some mails, a caution pops up telling “the mails cannot be moved to the trash”, and yet the mails disappear from the inbox. Also, I had an impression that iPhone’s inbox is affected by how I clean up mails on my home Mac, but I have to carefully monitor its behavior further.

As for the battery life, it of course depends on how much I use the phone, but the recharging once in every 2 days seems needed under the condition with minimal uses.


Anonymous said...

I've had my iPhone 4 for a couple of months now, and have encountered similar problems with address book syncing. In my case it created a number of duplicate entries on the phone that do not exist on the Mac at home, some with just an e-mail address in the main entry field. It took hours to get this cleaned up.

What I amazed with though, is the video quality. I recorded a few bits of video in low light conditions at my son's school music festival, and the quality seems as good as the simultaneous take with a Sony HD camcorder! The ease of handling and light weight of the phone make this a preferable instrument - if it only had enough memory! (I have the 16GB model)...

fouchic said...

Thanks for your comment. Regarding duplicates, I have contact data in Apple’s Address book and in Entourage on my Mac. iPhone seems imported both of them.