Sunday, October 30, 2011

Ensemble 14 演奏会

今日は第一生命ホールまでEnsemble 14のコンサートに行った。何しろバッハのカンタータを4曲も演目に組んでいるというのが面白い。もともとは我々が先日歌った80番のカンタータを他の合唱団の演奏で聴いてみたいという動機だったのだが、自分にとってはある種衝撃の発見だった。

I went to Daiichi-Seimei Hall for Ensember 14 (Vierzehn) concert today. What was most interesting was that they played 4 cantatas of Bach. My original intent was to listen to somebody else’s performance of No. 80 that we had played about a month ago, and this group was for me a remarkable discovery.
It was my first visit to Daiichi-Seimei Hall, a medium size hall with intimate proximity to the stage with comfortable atmosphere, and the minimum size of the orchestra was using modern instruments. The conductor was fatty who wove Bach’s music with gently dancing touch rather than stoicism or tensions. I somehow imagined Bach’s version in southern Germany to Italy across the border. Later, I learned that the conductor, Hideyuki Tsuji, was a tenor singer himself and had studied in Italy, and that might be where the flavor came from.
The moment I listened the first chorus of No. 180 cantata, it was obvious that the tenor had high ability in the chorus. Generally speaking, tenors are scarce and most chorus groups struggle to find more tenors to be added, but the situation looked very different here. Their performance gradually explained why as we listened. Most astounding was the fact that each chorus member one after another sang a solo part, recitativo or area, and of course their ability was not always even, but it amicably displayed how the amateurs created the music. Two sopranos who sang No. 80 cantata had really beautiful, enchanting voices. Individual’s ability formed the quality of the team indeed in the balanced harmony.

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