Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Gravity - ゼロ・グラビティ

I went to United Cinemas Toshimaen to see Gravitiy in IMAX 3D last night and was not much impressed. I guess my expectation was excessive because of the reputation I heard from some friends around me. I entirely admit that the technical staff did a great job in this film, but the script itself was between the second and the third grade so to speak. I don’t want to disclose the story elements here, but some factors that deteriorated the reality in the story were, for example, Dr. Stone’s character presented by Sandra Bullock was totally unlikely for an astronaut, and also some scenes along the important storyline looked against the laws of physics.
One comment on the camera crews is, toward the end of this movie, while I understand they had to choose a close camera setting to achieve some 3D effect, the water splash on the camera lens could have stimulated the reality of the situation, if only it were a documentary movie!
IMAX 3D seems still using a linear polarlizer as I see noticeable visual crosstalk with a slight tilt of the head. I think I should try Dolby Atmos theater in Maihama next time considering the balance of 3D and sound quality.

Toshimaen Amusement Park in front of the Station

IMAX 3Dでは今も線偏光フィルターで立体を作っているようで、首を傾けるとすぐにクロストークが現れる。画質と音質のバランスを考えると、次は舞浜のドルビー・アトモス劇場で鑑賞してみたい。

Sunday, December 29, 2013

宮脇昭、果てなき戦い – Endless Battle of Akira Miyazaki


Professor Miyazaki’s proposal after the catastrophe was to use the huge heap of tsunami and quake debris as the basis to build forests with traditional Japanese trees that function as seawall along Tohoku coastline, that I thought was a brilliant idea and actually attracted fairly large media attention. In reading this book, you will understand that this idea of his did not just popped up but whole his life as botanical sociologist has been devoted to recreate diminishing landscapes with variety of trees in our country. Regrettably, the progress is rather limited because of inflexible laws regarding the processing of industrial wastes.

Monday, November 25, 2013

KITTE Building


In front of Tokyo Station, Marunouchi exit, is Tokyo Central Post Office, and they opened the new tall building last March while retaining the surface of old architecture. I have no chance to visit it to date, but I got off at the station as I needed to transfer today. Inside KITTE are variety of shops and restaurants, and up on the 6th floor is a rooftop garden whose location is perfect for watching the station building and trains coming in and going out.

On each floor are wooden walls that provide classy yet warm atmosphere, and I was so interested in the different texture and style on each floor that I was busy watching them instead of shops.

Monday, November 18, 2013

ガリレオ・プロジェクト演奏会 - Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra: The Galileo Project


ステージにはスコアは持ち込まず、全員すべて暗譜です。舞台はそうあるべきだと、僕も自分の合唱で痛感してはいますが、大変なことです。15名程度の演奏者たちは低音楽器のチェンバロ、チェロ、コントラバスを真ん中に置いて、あとは周囲を取り囲むように小グループ毎に掛け合いをするのですが、舞台にはバッチリ円形に模様が描かれています。時には円陣となってそこをぐるぐる回りながら、脚でリズムを踏んでみたり、踊るような演奏をします。この辺りはこの楽団の真骨頂というところなのでしょう。こうした演出は僕の席からはバッチリ楽しめました。ジーン・ラモンは以前から音楽の源流とその文化論的な役割に関心があるようで、それは例えば彼らの「調和の幻想」CDに同梱されているDVD – The Four Seasons Mosaic (四季のモザイク)を観れば明らかだと思います。演奏者の一部はさらに1階席に散らばったり、2階席後方に移動したりして、ホール全体をあたかも宇宙空間に見立てて最大限の広がりで演奏したり、一般には馴染みの薄い音楽に飽きさせない工夫も凝らしていました。



Monday, November 11, 2013

八ヶ岳の紅葉巡り - Autumnal Colors around Yatsugatake

Yellow Bridge of Yatsugatake-Kogen

A friend of mine phoned me telling the larch yellow was just in its peak and great that drove me to visit Yatsugatake area immediately. As we get in the Koumi train line area, the Yellow Bridge near Oizumi offers the panoramic views of not only Yatsu but also Mt. Fuji and South Alps.


There was a nice path beyond Masutomi hotspring with autumn colors along a torrent, but it was raining unfortunately, and I thought I should visit there next year again. I still enjoyed a great rainbow in the sky!


The second day was fair and clear without a cloud, and the bonus was the first snow cap this fall on the mountain.

First snow on Yatsugatake Mountains

The view of Yatsugatake mountains from a broad farm where a stone monument stands recognizing old colonists for deforestation.

Another vista point of mountains, a bit further away, is Nobeyama-Kogen/Hirasawa Pass. As we passed Nobeyama Observatory on our way, I was enchanted by the landscape and stopped the car to take pictures.

Near Nobeyama Observatory

"Doesn't this look like Yosemite?" we talked each other in Mizugaki Nature Park.

Mt. Mizugaki
Mizugaki Park

Lake Matsubara
This year red color is poor and not burning. We visited Lake Matsubara and Toryu Fall in vain...
Toryu Waterfall

Sunday, November 3, 2013

晩秋の白根・万座 – The Autumn Ends in Shirane/Manza

Originally planned to bring my Onix bike to attack Mt. Shirane (Tour de Kusatsu route) and Manza to enjoy the power of newly equipped Zipp202 wheels, but the mountain road was closed on October 26 because of snow. Lucky part of the story was the recovered weather enabled reopening the road in advance of 3-day holidays just before scheduled November 5 winter shutdown, but the problem was in my right knee that started aching after 65km and 50km runs I did in the previous week. I had no choice but leave my bike behind and focus on purely curing/relaxing in the hot spring.

Harunire, Karuizawa
I went to Kusatsu via Karuizawa this time. I had a lunch break on the way at Harunire Terrasse of Hoshino Resort. Actually, Karuizawa is nice to enjoy autumn leaves as they have quite few spots such as the street in front of Ohga Hall and Chigataki area. On the other hand, further beyond from River Agatsuma to Kusatsu, the autumnal colors are not so impressive, and thus it is usually suggested to visit Nikko instead.

River Agatsuma Fault - 吾妻川鹿沢口付近 
On Oct 31, we moved from Kusatsu Onsen to Manza Onsen through Kusatsu-Shiga Road that is my favorite bike climb route with great views. From Shirane (2000m high) to Manza (1800m high), the trees were bare in neighboring mountains that indicated the autumn was gone already.

A Temple in Kusatsu Onsen
Manza with Bare Trees
We lodged at Nisshinkan that we had stayed almost 2 decades ago last time. Our room in the new building was laid out modern with a walk-in closet by twin beds and the other end of the room had a stepped-up tatami-mat space with a table. Last time, this inn was called Manza Onsen Hotel and we were greeted with the lady landlord. We were also quite impressed with the ingredients of the meals. While such traditions seem maintained, its density appeared to be shrinking, and the rate 15,000 Yen/night/person (with dinner and breakfast) for the service in this grade looked to me a bit over-priced, admitting the hot spring quality is excellent. The best in the meals was their home-made yogurt that exceptionally good maintaining the quality for 2 decades.

Manza Yubatake
From Nisshinkan are promenades around Yubatake, the source of hot spring, and Kumashiro’s Cave. You can further climb the steep path to Mt. Kumashiro just in front, or have a long hiking to Yamada Pass.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Puma Yutaka Lite Camo – ユタカliteカモ


I thought this pair might be ideal for in-room shoes with easy putting on/off. I think I made a good choice as they are very light and fit quite well. The sole is very soft. They may be conceptually a step up from summer beach sandals with holes not only on the top but also in the soles. They may not be so warm during the winter.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Bose QuietComfort 20i - ノイズキャンセル・ヘッドフォン

I have been using canal-type earphones such as Shure’s because my left ear can’t hold the typical “AIR”-type phones. I needed new earphones with mic for my iPhone although my upgrade to iPhone5s would be several months away. I found Mr. H, audio reviewer, recommended Bose 20i, and decided to follow him (through my own listening at the shop).
It fits well in my ears even without putting the plugs deep into the ears like canal phones because they have wings. Turning the switch on to enable the noise cancellation, the ears feel a slight pressure of silence as if in an anechoic chamber. The suppression of noise is quite powerful, and you might fail to notice someone talking to you. That is why the product features the AWARE mode that conveniently blends the external noise around you through the mic. A similar (but less convenient) function that I used to use with old Sony earphones was to switch the music entirely to the external noise in such an occasion when a flight attendant says something to me. Another good thing with 20i is the earphones and the mic function even without turning the power ON.
It was extremely windy today and I gave it a try in the outdoor. The noise caused by the wind near the phones was often uncomfortably loud and made the music unlistenable, but turning the power on, the noise in mid-to-low frequency range was suppressed to make the situation bearable.
I am basically happy with the sound, but the tonality with noise cancellation engaged is slightly different from that without: The high frequencies are raised to make the sound balance upright. Without it, the sound gets milder as if switching digital to analog. The electronics switch box is a bit cumbersome and that’s why I put them together with rubber rings like this (picture).
It would have been superb if the price was a half for the functions it offered.

ボクの耳は所謂AIR型のイヤフォンがうまく左耳には乗らなくて、昔からShureなどのカナル型を使ってきた。iPhone5sの買い換え計画はもう少し先なのだが、マイク付きのイヤフォンを新調する必要に迫られていた。そんな時評論家のH氏がお薦めしていたこともあってBose 20iを選んだ。もちろん試聴の上で。



Thursday, September 26, 2013

ガーディナーのバッハ本書評 - A Book Review of Gardiner's New Issue

近々、ガーディナー著「Music in the Castle of Heaven: A Portrait of Johan Sebastian Bach」が刊行されますが、この本のことはしばらく前にBBCの音楽番組の中で聞いて興味を持っていました。先日、Guardian紙に書評らしき記事が出ていて、内容のせいか、イギリス的に語彙が読むのに面倒な記事でした。以下に雑な訳を参考に載せておきます。





ガーディナーは、バッハが通った3つの学校、アイゼナハ・ラテン学校、Ohrdruf Kloster校とLüneburg のMichaelis校で記録を調べた。報告書の様子から、学校当局では状況が手に負えなくなったのを非常に憂慮したようである。もちろんアイゼナハで、何か例外的なことがあった。ガーディナーが発見した「張本人」は、バッハが聖歌隊員であったOhrdrufの教会朗詠者を務める学級担任だった。その教師は「耐えられない罰」を与えるサディスティックな規律の厳格な人であった。結局、彼は「学校の悪疫、教会のスキャンダル、街のガン」として免職されたが、12才のバッハは「彼への異常に近い接近」に耐えたと、ガーディナーは言った。



ガーディナーの研究は103日、ペンギン版「Music in the Castle of Heaven: A Portrait of Johann Sebastian Bach」として出版される。 息子として両親を、その後最初の妻も失い、そして彼の20人の子供たちの12人が3才に達する前になくなった(乳児死亡率が遍在したその時代でも、遙かに平均を上回る)ことなどが、バッハにとっては作曲が人生の乱気流の受け皿になったのだとガーディナーは主張する。暴力と家族の損失のバッハへの影響は推論的ではあるが、彼の私生活については過去400年のどんな一流作曲家よりも知られていることがずっと少ないため、彼の若い頃に対する洞察はひとつひとつが一層重要であると、ガーディナーは言う。


Sunday, September 22, 2013


ジョナサン・アイヴのインダストリアル・デザインというのはジョブズの睨みが利けばiPodになり、それが緩いとiMacになる。その本質はモダニズムの中の大衆路線で、家庭製品のMichael Gravesと同類と認識している。初期のアップル・コンピューター製品に惹かれて今に至るユーザーにとってはやや位相が合わない。アップル製品からついに工業製品色の強いJobsの影が消え、Iveに全面移行だ。

My iPhone 4 is almost 3 years old now and its battery life is irritatingly shorter. I thought it was about the time to switch it to the new iPhone 5s. In the meantime, the OS was updated yesterday to IOS7 whose touch and feel gets very different with some disappointment. Its lighter font-type on the white background is difficult to read, and the overall design with rather flat icons look more similar to Microsoft. “It’s a matter of getting used to,” says Apple, but my motivation for the new iPhone shrinks…
Jonathan Ive’s industrial design turns into iPod when Steve Jobs strictly controls it, but results in iMac if Jobs gives relaxed freedom. The essence of Ive’s design is the popular modernism exterior as you can remind Michael Graves for home appliance. This is a slight misfit for those who used to love the early Apple Computer products and some later descendants with the appeal of simple beauty of machines. At last, the shadow of Apple has shifted from Jobs to Ive entirely.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

真鶴 - Manazuru


Segment Performance data shown in Strava


Friday, August 30, 2013

バーテープの新しい巻き方 - Logical Wrapping of Bar Tapes


Most instructions on how to wrap the bar tape start from the handle bar ends, but I understand that some US installers recommend the opposite which seems even more logical. As I changed the shifting system recently, I followed this new method myself. This eliminates the need for a finishing tape and also holds the cables tighter along the handle bar. I wonder why this approach is not yet so popular?

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

シマニョロニョロ完了 - Shimagnolognolo Close to Completion




RD adjustment is done with the fine-tuning of the ratchet wheel positioning by a notch, and I have achieved managing the entire 11-speed shifts. The sitting of the chain with each freewheel step seems to indicate some tendency of offset in a few steps, and it made me to wonder if the pitch width of freewheels could be slightly different between Shimano and Campy, but the shifting action in the actual running showed no practical problems.

More concerned is FD in my case: The inner side plate of Campy Chorus FD is lifted toward the drive train in the lower part, and when the chain goes down as Q-rings diameter shrinks, it inevitably touches the derailleur plate surface. The fourth wheel from the top starts contacting and those lower more steadily rub the plate. Because the shifting of Q-rings is delicate, I cannot move the derailleur inward further. How do those people with Campy/Rotor combination deal with this issue? If the noise is inevitable in this combination, the choices are to go back with the round Centaur 50T chain ring or with Shimano FD-7900 derailleur. Well, I already sold my FD-7900 months ago!
So I immediately swapped the outer ring to previous Centaur, and the result was far more relieving in terms of both of shifts and noise. 


The usual test run to Shonan Village brought an amazing result: 20m13s for the approach run and 11m08s for climbing that reduced roughly 1 minute each section. In particular, the average speed of climbing was 12.75km/h to my surprise, and I was not running hard as it was a test! The sense of pushing the second lowest 27T gear was not too demanding, which I really appreciated, and the lightweight ZIPP wheels did add some value here.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

ZIPP202でシマニョロニョロ – Shimagnolognolo with Zipp Carbon Wheel


今回のZIPPホイールでいよいよ11速化となるので、デュアルコントロールのコーラスを活かし切るべく、カセットもRDもすべてコーラスに統一だと、出費はさておきワクワク状態でいたところに、GrowtacからEqual Pulleyの新種が発売になるとのニュースを見た。第3のプーリーは何と金色でつまり11速のイメージ。詳細を確認してみると現行10速デュラエースRD-7900をカンパのシフターから11速シマノカセットに対応させるという何とも有効利用のお手本みたいなパーツなのだ。17000円くらいの出費を考えなければならないコーラスのリアディレーラーを節約して、4000円弱のプーリー交換だけで済むなら、挑戦してみたいと思って当然だ。僕は早速なるしまへ向かった。但し自分のケースでは本来の仕様から外れる課題がふたつある。ひとつはカセットがシマノ11Sではなくカンパとなること。これはピッチがほぼ同じなら何とか収まるのではないかと楽観した。もうひとつはRD-7900の最大歯数が28Tで、コーラスのカセットは27Tを選ぶことになる。登坂が弱点の僕は出来れば1速追加のおまけ分は29Tで保険にしたいと思う一方、軽量のZIPPをしてすれば今の28Tから27Tに負荷アップしても大丈夫だろうとの割り切りの間で悶々としていた。実はカセットの価格も27Tなら2000円も安い。でも「歯1本の差は79でも何とかなると思うよ」との経験豊富な友人の甘い言葉に惑わされて、これも実験の価値あるよなと考えてしまった。そんなわけで新しい構成はRD-7900以外はカンパコーラスという変則システムで、正統(?)シマニョーロよりカンパ率が高い。うまく動作した暁にはシマニョロニョロと名付けようと思う。ダメだったときはコーラスのRDに路線変更するだけのことだし。

さてパーツが揃い、いよいよ今回の改造の核心に入る。そこではたと気付いたらコーラスカセットのロック工具がない。これはヤフオクですぐに入手できたが、作業は数日停滞だ。130mmハブに11Sカセットを乗せてみると、その厚みはハブ幅いっぱいの状態。カセットをしっかり締め付けてもクリアランスは1mmにも満たないシビアさだ。これで大丈夫なのかやや不安を感じる。並行して右のSTIレバーをバラし、赤のEqual Pulleyを取り外して金色に取り替える。これらの組み立て自体はたいした作業ではなく、あとはディレーラーの変速動作を見ながら調整だ。しかし操作しているうちにシフターのラチェットが効かなくなり、再びバラしにかかる。ラチェットの不具合は前科があって、一度なるしまに持ち込んでリセットしてもらったことがある。今回は力業でその位置をずらしたらかかるようになった。しかしその後も歯数の多い段が滑って留まらない状態を繰り返すなど、調整がバッチリ決まるところまで漕ぎ着けない。一応試走できる状態にした段階では、変速そのものは支障なくシフトするのだが、移動域が広い11Sに対してフロントディレーラーへのチェーン側面の当たりを吸収しきれず異音が出る。さらにローの29Tへもシフトはするが、ラチェットの位置がずれているためかそこからシフトアップに戻れない。調整の難易度はこれまでで一番難しくシビアで、これはアウター・チェーンリングをRotor Q-Ringsにしたことも影響しているだろうな。まだまだ追い込みに時間がかかりそう。

Consequently, the rear ZIPP202 was transshipped from US by my friend that cost $60 postage plus Y1400 duty/custom fee, but time is money.
The new ZIPP wheels means to me 11-speed introduction, and thus the derailleur and the cassette will be Campagnolo Chorus in addition to the dual-control levers I use now. It is considered an exciting investment until I realized that Growtac was releasing a new version gold-color Equal Pulley. It was for Campy 11S shifters to control Shimano RD-7900 in order to manipulate 11S Dura-Ace cassette; a clever device to enable existing components survive. Well, for me, if a pulley for less than Y4000 can replace the Y17000 investment of Chorus derailleur, why not trying? There are actually 2 bottlenecks in my case: the cassette is not Shimano but Campy with mine. I chose to be optimistic in assumption that their pitches must be close enough as long as both are 11-speed. The other factor is the maximum number of teeth for RD-7900 that should be 28T. Because I am not good at hill climbs, I thought an extra 11th step would be nice with 29T as a bonus (if I use Chorus derailleur). Another thought was that 27T would be possibly manageable considering ZIPP wheels are so light. Also, 27T cassette is Y2000 cheaper. Then, an experienced friend of mine hinted that 1 tooth difference might be covered by RD-7900, and I thought it an interesting factor to experiment whether it is successful or not. Considering the fact that Shimano part is the rear derailleur only among other Campy Chorus parts, I thought I would name it "Shimagnolognolo" if this system end up functioning.

All the parts were ready except that I realized a tool to lock Campy cassette was missing: I managed to get one in Yahoo Auction and I had to wait for the arrival for a few days. The thickness of 11S cassette looked almost full for the width of 130mm hub and actually left less than a millimeter play after firmly locking it in place! I felt a bit nervous about it. I then dismantled the right STI lever from the handle bar to replace the red pulley in it with the new gold one. This work was easy and the rest was tuning. While I was manipulating the shifters, the ratchet started slipping and I had to disassemble the lever again. This part had once failed and I brought the lever to Narushima bike shop for the servicing. I forced the ratchet wheel to rotate to the right position this time which seemed working, but it repeated failing with the larger teeth. After repeating this process several times, the bike was finally but roughly ready for a test ride although shifting action was not precisely tuned yet. The shifting of 11S itself was okay, but due to the wide travel on cassette, the chain tended to touch the side plates of front derailleur causing noise constantly. Also, once the shifting gets in the largest 29T step, I could not shift it back up again probably because the ratchet was not precisely in position. The tuning was the toughest ever in my experience, and I thought the outer chainring of Rotor Q-Rings could be a factor that made the situation even more complicated. I need to keep on working on this.