Thursday, April 8, 2010

Eagle Creek Switchback – イーグルクリークのリュック

まずKarrimor Airport Pro 70を見たが、作りがやや大雑把な印象。伸縮ハンドルも貧弱そう。これに2万数千円投資する気にはどうもなれない。次に東新宿のA&Fに行ってEagle Creek Switchbackを見る。価格的には大きな隔たりはないがこちらは実に良く考えられていて、差は歴然だった。兄貴分のModular26は見た目ちょっと大きいなと感じ、弟分のModular22をチェックする。身体へのフィット感も良いが、重さが4キロを超すのが難点か。販売員さんの話では、ずっと背負って歩くのでなければ、ちょっとのことなので大型の方がお薦めとのこと。確かに小さい方は今持っているTitan X2と似たり寄ったりのサイズではある。それでも機内持ち込みの可能性を残せる弟分に賭けることで決心した。

The plan for my trip to France has now been fixed to walk in Basque and Pyrénées for a week before getting in Paris, and it made me consider the suitcase: The idea was a backpack with wheels. Such products include Whillie by Patagonia (that did not look like a serious concept for them) or Doubletrack by the North Face (heavy and expensive), and in short the practical choices are rather limited. I picked two potential candidates and went to Shinjuku to examine them.
The first was Karrimor Airport Pro 70. The actual product was a bit crude and the adjustable handle did not look sturdy enough. It may not worth 27000 yen or so at least out of my wallet. So I went to A&F in Higashi Shinjuku next to see Eagle Creek Switchback. The price was actually in the similar range, but this product was quite well designed and it showed an apparent difference. The larger model 26 looked bulky for me and thus I examined the model 22 that fitted well on my back. The weight exceeded 4 kg as a negative factor. The salesperson recommended the model 26 if I was not intending to walk too long with it on my back because this slight difference in size would benefit significantly. It is true the size of model 22 is more or less as small as Titan X2 I have now. Despite this factor, I was inclined to bet on this model because the size allowed carry-on in the international flights.
Upon delivery, I started packing things for a simulation, and it was so quick indeed to be filled out. I then restarted carefully selecting the cloths to pack. (A tough challenge for women with garments!) The Switchback is integrated with a detachable daypack, and it will be my intelligent packer for my Mac, power supply, SLR camera and etc., and it results in a rather heavy satellite for its size. When loaded on my shoulders altogether, the weight was comfortably dispersed as the entire backpack is fastened at the chest and the waist. Noted the heavy satellite daypack pulled the balance to further back from the body, which may require a wiser consideration in the way of packing for stability. I am already confident that this Switchback Modular 22 is going to be a truly versatile travel gear for me.


Unknown said...


fouchic said...
