Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Prologo Kappa Pas - プロロゴのサドル

もともとCAAD9にはPrologoのサドルをと考えていて、昨日やっとKappa Pasが手に入りました。まだまだ真新しいけど白いサドル部に一箇所シミが付いてしまった出物をオークションで安く落札しました。取り付けてみると流石にちょっと存在が浮いておりますね。やれることはバーテープの色でバランスを取るくらい。白に白のカラー・コーディネーションはありきたりなので、グレーにでもしようかな。

From the very beginning I had Prologo saddle in mind for CAAD9 bike, and I received a Kappa Pas yesterday at last! Its condition was rather new except the white saddle surface had a spot of stain and I got a very good deal through the auction. Its appearance is a bit foreign as shown in the picture, and one thing I could try for balancing it out would be a different color for the bar tape. White to white is just too mediocre for the coordination, so maybe grey would work better.
The saddle was well cushioned softly as I touched it, which made me realize how hard the current HARP saddle was. But the impression of actually riding on it was quite stiff with little softening. Hope it is like the stiffness of good beds. The main purpose of getting this was for long rides, and I really want to find how it serves me soon. Nominal weight 250g, actual 270g.

1 comment:

fouchic said...

ようやく試走したKappa Pasの印象はこちらです。→

See the above for my actual impression of the saddle.